Blunt Welcomes

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**DISCLAIMERS: My story, my way meaning however many werewolf stories you have read about having 'mates' this one dose not follow those although my other book did/dose so no hate please.** And thank you for reading! <3

He was 45 and I was 20, of course I didn't like him as he was headover heels for me, and that was why I had to leave. I couldn't love him and I couldn't stay knowing he would always be thinking of me, what if I had found a true love and he couldn't accept him because of that. I couldn't let his love for me get in the way of him ruling the pack.

I finished packing the last of my clothes as I re-checked my room again. I stood back and looked at it, it was bare and empty as if no one had lived here ever. I closed my eyes before opening them revealing my bright stormy green eyes. There came a knock on my door as I opened it seeing my best friend, dark circles were under his eyes as he hugged me. I held back a sob as I hugged him back I could already feel my eyes getting watery but I knew I couldn't cry and I wouldn't.

I stepped back sniffling slightly as he stood there silently, but it was as if were having a silent coversation. He signaled over to my bags and I nodded as he grabbed them and headed down stairs. I grabbed my phone and my bag that I took everwhere with me and went down stairs, the whole pack was staring at me as as silently passed them. Some of the had hatred in their eyes, but I never told them the real reason why I was leaving and I never would knowing that it risked Alpha Tyler's position, 

As I passed Alpha Tyler I stopped next to him, he had to give his exile speech to the pack. "From this day on Iris Smith is to no longer step onto Cedar Creek pack at any moment for any reason. If seen do no hesitate to attack, because Iris Smith is no longer a Cedar Creek pack member." His voice held a cold harsh tone that it sent goosebumps all over my body. Everyone nodded watching me go as I turned around and left out the pack house doors, my car that my mother and father left me was already waiting for me set and packed.

Jason, my bestfriend gave me my keys not saying a word to me but I understood it was the law that none of them could speak to me ever again and that is one of the reasons that was killing me slowly. I simply nodded before turning on the silver BWM and backed out of the drived way, I glanced back at the pack house for the last time seeing Alpha Tyler watching me from his room. I shuddered as I continued to drive off not looking back this time.

I already knew where I was headed off to, Alpha Tyler called up the Alpha of Pine Crest Pack a week before when I told him I was leaving. I speed my car down the highway watching the forest fly by as I kept driving. I wish my parents were here. I shook my head at the memory, my parents had died in a pack war against Stone Ridge Pack. I was told I inherited my mother's long naturally curly light brown  hair with her fair skin and my father's dark green eyes with a small amount of freckles.

It seemed like I was driving for hours and I was pretty sure I was, finally I drove into the forest cut off path and drove where the gate was, it automatically opened as I drove further in and stopped parking my car. I opened the door as it made a small creaking sound and got off the car my black and white converse making a crunching on the gravel.

I didn't know whether I should stay or knock on the door, I had only been in one pack my whole life. My thoughts were interrupted as the pack house doors opened and out stepped out a guy. He was rather tall standing around the height of 6"3 with soft messy blonde hair and dark blue eyes with fairly tanned skin. He seemed well built as the flannel shirt he wore hugged onto his torso nicely. 

"Who are you?" he spoke with such a profound and authorative voice. I stepped back not knowing what to say. I finally managed to choke up my name. "uh.. I-Iris Smith". His eyes suddenly brightened for a brief moment before they went back to their shade of dark blue. "Ah your Irisi from Cedar Creek?" he said in a husky voice as I only nodded. "When I speak I need an answer not a movement of some sort." he told me roughly. "Sorry sir I meant to say yes that I am that Iris", I was surprised that my voice wasn't shaky or maybe it was but it didn't sound like it. "Good. I am Alpha Asher Williams of Pine Crest Pack" he said watching me before stepping closer and extending his hand. I took his hand, his hand 3 times larger than mine as he shook it with such force. 

"I'll have someone bring in your things to your room, mean while I need you in my office to speak with you", I looked at him nodding then speaking. "Yes of course Alpha Asher." He shook his head. "Call me Asher, that's fine" he said before turning on his heels and going into the house not looking back to see if I was following.

I half jogged behind him trying to keep with his large steps, finally he stopped at his office door holding the oak wood door open for me. "Thank you" I murmured as I stepped in taking in my surroundings. The office was huge! It was the size of my old room but 5 times more. It was book shelves filled with books and a huge wooden desk with pappers and a light with some seats here and there. There was a couple pictuers of him and some of which I assumed were his family.

He then passed me and gestured towards a chair then sat down across from the chair he had gestured. I sat down palying with my hands, it was a bad habit when I was nervous or scared. "So I understand you left you rold pack because you had trouble obeying pack laws so you were exiled." Inside I was thinking that was a terrible lie my former alpha had told Asher but I nodded. "Erh.. yes." Was all I said. He cocked an eyebrow looking me over wich made me blush.

"I find that hard to believe." He said with a scoff before he looked at me again. "Well since your new here that means your past means nothing to me, I guess this is your chance to prove yourself to me." I was pratically shaking in my seat. "Yes Alpha Asher."

"I told you to call me Asher." he said in a dark demanding voice, I managed to look into his dark blue eyes embaressed. "And also find new words other than yes and thank you.. that's all Beta Jenna will show you to your place you'll find her in the library" he said not even giving me a second glance and went down to the papers flipping through them.

I didn't respond as I stood up and made my way out the oak doors, I could have sworn I felt eyes on the back of me. I closed the door silently and made my way into the livingroom sort of lost. I then found a door that was labeled Library and craked it opened peeking in.


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