Checking the Damages

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    You felt intrusive as you stared at the man's bare chest. Casey was running her fingertips over his ribs and inspecting the bruising. The man's skin was a sickly pale, with blue veins webbing across his arms and stomach. He was just clothed in his black combat pants, the waistband tugged down a bit to inspect a large bruise that stretch across the expanse of his stomach. His posture was all wrong, too. He just didn't seem to lay right on the bed, like he was crumpled in a grotesque way. You heard Casey mumbling and multiple times she would yank her hands back from the unconscious man's body. Her thin brows were furrowed and she was chewing on her lower lip. She was stressed.

     "Casey, is everything-"

     "Sh." Casey held her hand up, but didn't look away from her work. "I don't know how this man is still breathing..." she mumbled, more to herself. But you heard it as well.

You wanted to help. You hated just sitting in your chair and watching in horror. So you stood and approached your bed. The lilac embroidery on your sheets only made this dark haired man look even more sickly. Casey spared you a glance through her eyelashes.

     "I want to try something, but you can't freak out. I need to see how stable his ribs are... His condition isn't normal. He should be dead." She said quietly. Her steady hands traveled back up to his chest, and you pushed your (h/l) (h/c) off your face. Casey placed her fingertips across the man's ribcage, and slowly started to push down. You stuttered in panic.

     "Casey! His ribs are broken what are you-" Your words were cut off by the loud snapping sound that came from the man's chest. You gave a small shriek of horror and gasped behind your hands. More and more snaps echoed around your room. Your skin crawled.

     "Casey!" You shouted.

     "I ain't doing nothing no more!"
She exclaimed, her hands by her head. The body on your bed started to convulse, and a pitiful groan escaped his lips. His back writhered and seemed to snap back into place with a shudder.

You realized now why his figure seemed so crumpled earlier.

You and Casey stood on either side of the bed, gaping. Casey shook her hands above her head and walked to the door.

     "Oh Hell naw." She said sassily. "Not on my damn watch. MmmMm no honey." She shuffled out your door and you followed her out there. Your skin itched to be in your own room at this point.

     "What the shit was that!?" You asked hastily.

     "I was testing how much pressure his ribs could take and one poped, then his entire spine just, realigned itself and fucking snapped into place."  Casey plopped down on your couch. You did the same.

     "I'm sorry (Y/n) but I'm not going back in that room, not ever. At least not with that vampire boy in there." She said.

     "What am I supposed to do?" You asked. "I can't call the cops! Do I just wait and see what happens!?"

     "Keep me updated, and stay out of your room for a while. Sleep out here. I'll help you clean up."

Sorry for the short chapter guys! Thought I'd give you all a break from the previous chapter.

I hope you're enjoying the story!

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