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You sat on your bed, holding a pillow to your chest. Your brain wouldn't stop replaying images from last night in your mind, in hyper HD. You could still feel the breeze and smell the grass. You could still even hear Levi's heartbeat thrumming in your ears. You let out a breathy gasp of air and closed your eyes. His green orbs flashed underneath your eyelids. He's fucking everywhere! You growled. I can't stop thinking about him, and it's pissing me off! You threw your pillow at your door and jumped off your bed.  You looked over to your clock, the red numbers showing 8:30 am. Levi was probably helping himself to his favorite breakfast by now. Eggs and chives. You couldn't go out there! You almost kissed the man not even 12 hours ago! You looked into your hidden floor length mirror, you (h/c) hair a mess. You tried smoothing it down with your hands, but to no avail. Groaning, you got your brush out of your attached bathroom and angrily brushed out your hair, ignoring the slight headache it gave you. You took a deep breath, in and out, and looked back in the mirror.

      "Calm down, (Y/n)..." you murmured. "It was probably nothing."  You recalled the way Levi's hands burned through your dress and warmed your skin when he touched you. The way his hair fell into place around his sharp cheekbones when he dipped you over in your dance together. His eyes... trailing your face and lingering on your lips...

You groaned as the heated knot in your stomach grew, and you mentally screamed at yourself to calm down. There was a knock on your door which almost made you slip and fall on your ass.

     "(Y/n)?" Levi asked. "I made some eggs, if you would care for some." You paused, gaining your composure.

     "I'll gladly have some eggs, just give me a minute, please." You said, trying to sound pleasant.

     "Of course," Levi said. You heard his footsteps retreating down the hall, and you released a breath you didn't know you were holding in. You pinched your cheeks and walked out of your bedroom.

You walked down your hall to see Levi, clad in a tight black shirt and washed denim Jean's, standing over the stove with your gold cloth apron hanging around his neck. The ties in the back were left dangling by his sides. He shook the pan, holding the spatula awkwardly. He still wasn't used to your cooking utensils for some reason.

     "Hey," you said, trying your damnedest not to see what his butt looked like in those jeans. Levi turned to look at you, the frying pan and spatula still in his hands. He gave a small toothy smile.

     "Good morning." He said, turning back to the stove. You stored the image of Levi smiling and making you breakfast in your mind, along with the other Levi oriented memories.

     "Have you already eaten?" You asked.

     "Yes, I grew impatient and had my share of eggs before starting on yours. I hope you do not mind." He said, scooping the eggs onto the spatula. He flipped them, the pan giving off a satisfying hiss.

     "I don't mind." You said. You yawned and rubbed your eyes blearily. For a moment, you stood and admired Levi's figure. His shoulders were broad, but not crazy broad, and his waist was narrow. His shoulder blades played peekaboo through his tight polyester shirt, along with the rest of his back muscles. They didn't show often because of the black fabric, but when they did you felt that knot in your lower stomach tighten just a little bit more. It was almost addicting, and you couldn't stop looking at him hoping to catch another glimpse of his form through that stupid shirt.

     "Finished." Levi said, sliding the eggs onto a paper plate. He turned, and you took the eggs and fork from him with a small smile. Your fingers touched his long cool ones and you had to stop yourself from having a stroke. You sat on the chair next to your couch, Levi sitting on the couch, and you munched on your eggs. The hot, spongy food slid down your throat easily, and the taste of pepper, salt, chives, and something else you couldn't quite place made you groan in delight.

     "These are amazing." You sighed, a mouthful of egg. You shoveled more of the food into your mouth. Levi watched you with a look of amusement.

     "I'm glad you appreciate my cooking." He said.

     "Well it's a deserved appreciation, that's for sure. These are really really good." You took another bite and wriggled in delight as the flavor hit your tongue. "So good!" You cooed. Levi blushed slightly at your praise. After you finished your meal, you threw away the paper plate and put your fork in the sink.

     "So, what should we do today?" You asked. Besides fight all of my urges to touch you, that is. You thought grumpily to yourself.

     "Do you have any more books for me to read? Maybe some of your older texts, if you have any." Levi said, turning to look at you. His muscled arm rested over the back of the couch, and you had to stop your mind from imagining the rest of his body.

     "Uhhm, yeah I think I do. I'll go get them." You trotted down the hall and into your room, fishing for your old books. You found your weather bound books, and pulled them from the shelves with shaky fingers. Images of Levi's body and his hands flashed through your mind and you almost cried in frustration. Who knew a sweet, innocent, simple dance could spark such... lustful desires. You took your pile of old books to the living room, dropping them on the coffee table.

     "You can now officially read the day away, my good sir." You said mockingly.

     "Whom do you think me to be? A lowly knight!" Levi said, matching your mocking tone. "I am your King, now address me properly you lowly maidservant." You raised an eyebrow and grinned at his joking attitude this morning.

     "A little harsh there Levi," you said with a smile. He raised his chin and gave you a regal look, though not being able to hide a slightly goofy and mischievous grin. You pretended to splutter and stammer, bending at your waist and holding your enclosed hands up. "I-I mean, your H-highness!" You said in your most convincing shy schoolgirl voice. The both of you cracked into laughter and you sat on the floor, grabbing a book for yourself.

     "We shall read the day away, my Highness." You said smoothly. Levi looked down his nose at your from his spot on your couch, a sort of gleam in his eyes. He crossed his long legs, picking up a dusty book.

     "That we shall."

     You had finished a book and a half, while Levi was on his fourth by the time the two of you finished lunch.

     "You seem to read so much faster than me." You whined. "It's not fair. Do you even soak up all those words? Or are you just one of those readers who reads only to show off to people?" Levi looked at you over his pages.

     "I withhold all the information I see on these pages." He said simply. "I'm just a little more intelligent than you, I suppose." You could tell he was grinning by the way the corners of his eyes were crinkled. You smacked his knee with your book playfully.

     "I'm intelligent!" You rebutted.

     Levi chuckled. "Yes yes, I know you are. Very intelligent indeed." You smiled at his words and leaned against the table, crossing your arms. Levi turned his attention back to his book, and your eyes slowly drifted over to his form on the couch. You noticed his shirt was riding up onto his stomach, showing off smooth milky skin and a- is that... you thought. A v-line!? You held back an exasperated groan. It was only more content for your mind to play with and torture you. You felt your breath catch in your throat as you watched Levi lick his thumb, using the wet digit to turn a page in his book.

     "I'm getting something to drink." You stated, getting up and nearly running into the kitchen. Levi glanced at you as you walked by. You didn't see it, but his eyes traveled across your form with a sly kind of grace. Like a panther stalking its prey. His eyelashes fluttered as he took in a sharp breath.

You leaned against the kitchen counter and tried to calm yourself, wondering how the hell you were supposed to get through the day with your hormone infested thoughts making everything remind you of Levi. You got a cold glass of water and chugged it down greedily, trying to calm yourself.

Damn him...

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