Hangovers and Sunshine

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You took another swig from your wine bottle, slapping Levi's hand away as he reached out to try and grab it from you.

     "No touchy..." you muttered. "Mine." You leaned your head back against the couch, one leg slung over the armrest. You pushed your hair away from your lips and took another drink. Levi frowned.

     "Let me tell ya secrettts..." You mumbled, grinning wildly. You looked at the tall figure through your eyelashes. He took his bottom lip into his mouth and chewed on the flesh, almost nervously. "Drew," you started. Levi held up a hand.

     "I don't need to hear anything about this Drew anymore." He said.

     "But you'll liek thiss!" You laughed and brought your legs together and turned to face Levi on the couch next to you. "Drew was, horrible in bed." You laughed deeply as Levi raised a brow, and you smacked your thighs, still cackling.

     "He waas a fine kissur, I have to give em that. But once the lights went off-" you broke off into laughter at the memories. Levi smiled slightly.

     "It must have been embarrassing." He said. Your smile fell off of your face as you recalled the memories of an embarrassed man on top of you, and you thinking it was the cutest thing ever. The love you felt for him in that moment...

     "I didn't mind... actually." You sniffled. "It was... damn et, I can't think of the word"


     "Yeah, that word. It was sweet." You felt the cavity in your chest open, and you looked back at your wine, wondering if you could fill it with the alcohol. Your eyes were so fixated on the glass that you didn't notice Levi's hand taking it away from you. You weren't mad, and instead you wiped away the hot tears you just noticed on your cheeks.

     "I'm not cryin' o'er him anymore." You grumbled. "No more. All done." Levi placed the wine on the coffee table, far away from you.

     "You should probably sleep, it'll make you feel better come tomorrow." You nodded, the adult in you starting to peek back out from around the corner.

     "Yeahh..." You droned. You waited for him to get off of the couch. After what felt like a good minute, Levi jumped in remembrance.

     "Oh yes, I was actually thinking that you should have your bed back. I have grown in enough strength, and it's only proper you sleep in your own bed tonight. This is your home, after all." Levi kept a blank poker face on, and you couldn't read his expression. You probably wouldn't have been able to even if you were sober.

     "Okay." You stood to your feet with a small wobble.

     "Would you like assistance?" Levi asked, still on his spot on the couch. You tested your balance.

     "No, I make it. Thank you, kind sir." You gave a clumsy bow and walked down to your room.

     "Do not sleep on your back tonight, (y/n)!" Levi called from the living room.

     "On mah side, I know!" You shouted back.

You woke up around 2 am, in a somewhat drunken slumber. You were surrounded by the smells of leather and black currant, and the faint smell of your laundry soap washed into your comforter. You sighed contently.

In the distance, muffled crying came from another room. You didn't think much of it. You were still halfway drunk, and were enjoying the smell of a man on your sheets. The broken sounds were desperate, gasping, and gurgling. Low whines and growls. Whimpers.

You smiled and cuddled deeper into your bed, relishing in the drunken slumber you slipped into.

Loki's p.o.v.

Loki sat up from the couch, rubbing his eyes. The air was warm, and the sun from a far window warmed his face comfortably. He continued to sit in the feeling of peace. It was a feeling that was like a long-forgotten friend to him. So he enjoyed the presence of peace before it would flee from his life. Like peace normally did. He sighed contently, and lifted his face. Slowly, the sounds of something sizzling in a pan and the aromas of meat searing caught Loki's attention. But he continued to sit on the couch. In front of him was the infamous t.v., to his left on a far wall was a window, specifically the one he crashed through. Besides the t.v. to the right was another window. Behind him was the kitchen.

Loki watched as lazy particles of dust floated in the sunlight, dancing around the lace curtains. Books littered some shelving, and when the sunlight shined upon them they seemed to feel at peace as well. The whole room seemed to radiate calmness and contentment.

Loki felt something inside of him fill a little bit. He didn't know what exactly, but for once his mind wasn't racing and his breath was steady. For once he felt he had time to heal... time to rest. He wasn't on the run at the moment. At least not physically. His muscles weren't knotted. His dreams weren't being haunted by frost giants and monsters that used to dwell in his wardrobe as a child.

A small smile curved at his lips.

     "Levi?" (Y/n) murmured quietly. Loki turned his head to look at the women who was housing him. Her (e/c) eyes were tired, but they too seemed to hold a type of calmness. A peace.

He craved that peace in his life.

Her frame was slightly drooping, her body was tired. Her (h/l) (h/c) was a mess, but in a slightly adorable way. She held a plate in her hand, strips of meat and other foods Loki didn't recognize were laid upon it. Loki scooted to the left side of the couch, taking his blanket with him to give (Y/n) room to sit. She smiled and sat on the cushions, handing him the plate. Loki raised his eyebrows.

     "Have you eaten yet?" He asked. She yawned and shook her head. Loki pushed the plate away from himself. "Then you eat first. Then if you feel you must, you can make me food afterwards." (Y/n) smiled and started eating. The two sat comfortably, staring out at the city through the windows, and the land that surrounded it. The comfortable atmosphere and the blue sky did Loki in. He smiled brightly.

     "That's a first." (Y/n) said with a smile in her voice. Loki continued to smile out the window and chuckled. "Usually I only get sneers or small smirks, it's nice to see you smile with your teeth for once." Loki looked at (y/n) with his green eyes, feeling like he was going to be okay. He was going to be fine. The feeling was almost unsettling. He felt like he had a life to do something with. For once, Loki wasn't trying to force a purpose onto himself. He didn't feel like he had to prove something at the moment. He knew there was a deep dark hurt down somewhere inside of him, but he didn't feel the need to ruin this moment with it. He felt like laughing and swinging (Y/n) around her living room. Gratitude flooded from him and he realized how much he could do with his life. He had so many years ahead of him. What was he going to do with it? He could mold his life into anything. Loki could try to rule the world or could sit here on this couch, listening to (Y/n) eat breakfast and get over her hangover. It almost scared him, to think that his actions could have such an impact on his future. Almost. Maybe he would watch what he did more. For now, Loki would just sit here.

And enjoy the peace.

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