I need Info

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Candys POV

Becky and I were sitting up against the wall just chilling and chit chatting.

"Here sit in front of me" Becky said

I glanced at her but slowly did as she said. She pulled my hair out of my messy bun and started to run her fingers through it.

"You have beautiful hair" she said as she started to French braid it

She then slightly pulled it and pulled me back against her and kissed my neck. That was when the door flung opened scaring the shit out of me. In came Julie.

"Seriously Candy do you have….what is going on?" She asked staring at the both of us

"Nothing J" I said "we were just getting to know one another"

"With you sitting in between her legs??" Julie asked crossing her arms

She was standing in her I'm about to flip out stance which means I'm in trouble

"She fixed my hair" I said quietly

"Candy I was scared shitless you never take off without talking to me" julie said irritated

"I'm sorry sissy I didn't mean to scare you Randy asked me to talk to him so I went and we chatted and then I was on my way back to Roman's when Becky asked me to come and hang out" I said feeling like a little kid

I felt Becky touch the small of my back

"I hate to interrupt but isn't she over 18 why does she…"

"Becky dear she is my sister we let each other know where we are all the time and I'm guessing anything I know her more than you do ok. Now don't get me wrong I'm glad you got her out of her shell but I don't know you well enough to trust you." Julie ranted which means she isn't done yet "now for some reason my sister likes you fine whatever but I have better instincts when it comes to people and I'm just not sure yet"

We were silent for a moment "now candy we have to finish getting around"

I sighed and got up. Becky got up and hugged me "hang out later?"

I nodded "yeah"

Julie than grabbed my hand pulled me out of the room. I felt like I was a little kid that just got into trouble and not sure why. We got up to Roman's room and I stopped her

"Why on earth did you…"

"Candy I know you better than that, you had me worried as all hell. The last time you took off without anyone knowing you were gone for a whole week no word no nothing that's why I acted like that." She said sternly

J had a point.

Becky's pov

They mentioned Randy and I had a feeling that he would know more about this situation than me. I walked my happy ass down to Randy and knocked on the door. Randy answered

"Hi Becky had a feeling I would see you sometime soon what's up?"

"I was wondering if you could help me with something" I said

"What's this something?" Randy asked opening up the door

"I was wondering on how much you knew about candy and if you could get me in on the loop of candy and Julie because julie just freaked out on candy and i"

"So I was right candy was with you" randy said with a grin

"Can you give information or not?" I asked crossing my arms walking into his locker room

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