Intro: Blackwater Escape

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"Riley! Come on!" Dutch yelled. "We have to go!"

"What about me brother?!" I shouted. "We can't just leave 'im!"

"We will help your brother later," Dutch said. "We will all be in trouble if we stay, including Sean."

"I can't!" I said. "It's not right."

"We are running out of time, Dutch," Arthur said. "We need to go, now."

"I'm not leaving Sean," I restated to Arthur.

"Arthur," Dutch said. "Grab her and let's go."

Suddenly, I felt two muscular arms wrap around me and I was lifted off the ground. I started kicking and yelling, "let go of me!" He put one hand over my mouth.

"If you don't be quiet, I'm going to have to hogtie you and shove a sock in your mouth," Arthur said. "And I can't guarantee the sock is going to be clean. Make your choice."

He slowly let go of my mouth and I reluctantly complied. I hopped on the back of Dutch's horse, wrapped my arms around him, and we rode away from Blackwater and away from Sean.

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