The Next Day

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Nothing exciting happened the previous evening after our trip to Valentine. I went to bed shortly after arriving at camp.

I woke up the next morning to a conversation not very far from my bed. It was between Dutch, Trelawney, and Arthur.

Dutch was the one who woke me up. "Are you sure he was taken by bounty hunters?"

"Absolutely," Trelawney said.

"Javier! Charles! Come here a second," Dutch called.

They both made their way over to the other men.

"You two are going to head back to Blackwater with Trelawney," Dutch began. "He confirms that Sean was taken by bounty hunters and is being kept awaiting transfer."

My brother's name made me perk up. I sat up so I could hear them better, but that was the end of the conversation. Arthur walked off toward Hosea. I got up and walked over to Dutch.

"Good morning, Miss Riley," he said.

"Good morning, Dutch," I said. "I couldn't help but overhear. Did he say my brother is alive?"

Dutch put his hand on my shoulder. "Your brother is a stubborn sonofabitch. I never had a doubt that he was okay."

Dutch walked away and I smiled. Subconsciously, I knew that Sean was okay. He was my twin after all. Twins are supposed to know when something bad happens to the other.

I washed clothes and blankets and when I was done I didn't know what to do, so I went and found Mary-Beth, Karen, and Tilly. I offered a game of dominoes and they were all happy to play.

We were having so much fun, that we ended up playing for most of the day while we gossiped and talked.

"Do you like Arthur, Riley?" Karen asked.

I looked at her, shocked. "I haven't thought about 'im like that. I mean, he's..."

"Attractive?" Karen asked.

"Good looking?" Tilly asked.

"Handsome?" Mart-Beth asked.

"No, I was going to say helpful, strong, and brave," I said, blushing a bit.

"Oh sure," Karen said.

"All I care about is having my brother come back alive," I stated and got up. I went back to my tent and started writing in my journal until it was time to go to bed.

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