Debts Repaid

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I didn't get very good sleep that night. I kept tossing and turning. I woke up quickly with a terrible sweat. I must have been making noise in my sleep because Miss Grimshaw was kneeling by my side.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" She asked. I was breathing heavily. Once I got myself under control I nodded. "Yeah, I'll be okay. It was just a bad dream." I reassured her. She left and I layed there for a while.

Once it was light out and people started moving around, I got up and then I decided to walk around camp for a little bit. I passed Arthur and said a quick good morning. He returned the gesture and walked over to Heir Strauss. I made my way over to the horses. I didn't have a horse of my own, but I still enjoyed feeding the horses every now and then.

I was feeding The Count when Arthur walked over. He mounted his horse, but forgot to unhitch it, so I unhitched it for him.

"Thank you, Miss Riley," he said.

"You are welcome," I said. "Where are you off to?"

"I'm collecting a few debts for Strauss," he said.

"Can I come?" I asked, hopeful.

"That's no business for a lady," he said.

"I won't get involved," I assured him. "I just wanna go along for the ride."

"I dunno," he said, rubbing his neck.

"Please, Arthur," I pleaded. "I sit here all day thinking about Sean. I need a distraction and I don't have me own horse."

"Well...Okay," he said. "Hop on."

I climbed up on the back of his horse and wrapped my arms around his waist.

First stop was to see a man called Mr. Wrobel. He was just across the Dakota River from us. It only took about a minute to get there. Arthur hitched the horse out front and instructed me to stay there. I only half listened as I followed him to the doorway. I was not going to enter the house.

He slammed open the door and said, "knock knock, Mr. Wrobel." A scrawny man jumped at the sound of Arthur's voice. He began speaking in another language.

Arthur sighed, "goddamn it. English?"

The man just looked at him.

"You speak English?" Arthur asked.

"Me...Silesia," the man said, whatever that meant. "Upper Silesia."

"Yeah, good for you," Arthur said. "I'm here for money that you have borrowed from a German man."

He seemed to have understood.

"Ah, a German," he said.

Then he confidently started speaking in German, which we also didn't understand.

"Nah, I don't speak German neither," Arthur said. "I'm here for money."

He rubbed his fingers together as the sign for money as he repeated it once more, "money. That you borrowed from Leopold Strauss."

He lost all color from his face. "Ahh...aha...err...Leopold Strauss," he said quietly as he was backing away from Arthur.

"Aha, Yeah," Arthur said as he continued walking toward Mr. Wrobel. "So it's time to pay. Where is it?"

"Well no, have nothing," he said nervously. "It's very bad winter."

Arthur kept walking toward him, intimidating him, "we've all had a bad winter, pal." He grabbed Mr. Wrobel by the collar and threw him onto the floor. "Now, where is it?"

My Outlaw (Arthur Morgan)Where stories live. Discover now