The Return

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The day has come. I woke up early to make sure I spoke to Arthur before he departed.

I was sitting at the table when everyone started to stir. Dutch emerged from his fancy tent and set off to find Arthur.

"Arthur," he said. "It is time for you to join Trelawney, Javier, and Charles in Blackwater to retrieve our Irish...friend."

"Alright, but what if it goes bad?" Arthur asked.

"Then get you and the boys the hell out of there," Dutch said seriously.

"Understood," Arthur said.

I walked up to Arthur. "Good mornin'," I said to him.

"Good morning," he said. "You ready to see your brother again?"

"Oh yes!" I exclaimed. "Please be careful an' please bring 'im home safely."

"That depends on him," he said. "You know how he is."

"That's what I'm afraid of," I said. "Don't let 'im do anythin' stupid."

"I'll do my best," He nodded, mounted his horse, and took off toward Blackwater.

Hours went by. I paced for a while, then I sat at the table, then I started pacing again. I couldn't relax. Riding with Arthur to collect those debts was a great distraction, but I haven't done anything since and I've been going mad with worry and anticipation.

I was sitting at the table and I was just about to go feed the horses when I heard horses galloping in the distance, getting closer.

I stood up and started walking toward the sound. Suddenly I could see Charles and Javier. Then, I could see a figure behind Javier. It was Sean.

"Hey Everybody! Guess who's back!" He shouted. His voice was like sweet music to my ears. With tears of relief welling up in my eyes, I ran to him. He just got off his horse when I enveloped him in a tight hug. He hugged me back of course.

"Hey sis," he said. "Did ya miss me?"

"So so much!" I exclaimed. "I was so worried about yeh."

"Eh, nothin' can stop me," he said. "I sure gave em hell."

"I bet yeh did," I said with a smile on my face.

That evening, when Arthur rolled in, the entire gang celebrated Sean's safe return. Sean was already drunk. He stepped up onto a box and with a bottle in his hand and slur in his speech. There were shouts from some people begging him not to make any speeches, but Sean is Sean. "Uncle Sean is back. And don't yeh worry Miss Grimshaw, yeh old crone. I'll keep them girls in line. If I have to whip'em, I will. And don't yeh worry, Mr. Pearson, yeh drunk old shit bag. It'll be nothin' but, uh...the finest game in the pot, now Dead Eye MacGuire's back! He he he! And don't worry about nothin' Miss Grimshaw...we'll have this camp runnin' like clockwork. I love you bastards...have fun. Have lots of fun!"

Ladies were cheering "Yeah Sean, woohoo!"

Sean was walking over to the table and Mary-Beth said, "uh oh, here comes trouble."

Javier said, "I just can't get rid of you, can I?"

"Mind if I join yeh fine folks?" Sean asked as he sat down at the table.

"I suppose," Karen said with a smile.

"You're lookin' lovely as ever, if I may say so," Sean said.

"Oh, stop it," she said, blushing.

"Imagine riding with him all the way from Blackwater to here," Javier said. "Es stupido." I gigged.

"So, What now?" Sean asked.

"Come on, how about a song?" Dutch asked.

"He'll be drinking till dawn, I bet," Miss O'Shea said.

"Oh let him have some fun," Karen said. "He's been through a lot. I thought you Irish enjoyed a party, Molly?"

"I am enjoyin' it," Molly said. "I just don't need to fall over drunk like the rest of 'em."

Uncle chimed in to request a song. "Listen, my friend, do you know the Louisville Maid?"

Then, everyone gathered around the table and sang Louisville Maid, while Javier played the guitar. Everyone was having a great time.

I made my way over to Arthur. He looked at me and tipped his hat. I placed my hand on his forearm.

"Thank yeh," I said. "Thank yeh so much for saving him."

"My pleasure," he said. "For your sake, not his."

I chuckled and removed my hand from his arm. We both smiled and we both returned our attention to the party.

After a while, I decided to head to bed. I spent the entire day worrying and it put a toll on me. I said goodnight to everyone, gave Sean another hug, and by the time my head hit my blanket, I was already asleep.

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