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I woke up early and Sean was still sleeping, so I decided to sit by the fire. I walked over and sat on the log. A few people were moving around, but it was still too quiet. I decided to take a walk down to the river and go fishing. I saw Charles walking across camp, so I jogged over to him.

"Good mornin' Charles," I greeted.

"Good morning, Riley," he greeted in return. "How are you this morning?"

"I'm good," I said. "And how 'bout yourself?"

"Pretty good," he said. "Did you need something?"

"Yes, actually," I said. "I was wonderin' if I could borrow yer fishin' pole?"

"Yeah, I'll grab it for you," he said as he started walking toward his horse. I followed and took the pole when he grabbed it.

"Thanks," I said. "If anyone asks, let 'em know I'm walkin' down to the river."

"I can give you a ride down and you can walk back," he offered. "If you want."

"That sounds great," I said. "Thank yeh."

He gave me a ride down to the river and I hopped off the horse. He rode back to camp and I began fishing.

Fishing was so relaxing and I could finally enjoy it. I grabbed a piece of cheese I brought for bait and baited the line. I cast the line out and waited.

I caught several smallmouth bass and a few bluegill, but nothing special. I would be able to contribute my share to Mr. Pearson, though. As I fished, I admired the beautiful sky and the animals.

I was just about to pack up and begin my walk back up the hill when I saw Arthur riding his horse down the hill with Jack sitting in front of him.

"Good mornin'," I said with a smile. "How are yeh boys doin' this mornin'"

"Good," Jack said. "Me and Uncle Arthur are going fishing."

"Is that so?" I replied. "I bet you'll catch some nice ones."

"I'll try!" Jack said.

"Good morning, Riley," Arthur said, tipping his hat.

"Mornin'," I smiled at Arthur. "I think I'll head back now," I said. "Let yeh two fish is peace."

"No, stay," Arthur said as he helped Jack off the horse.

I looked at him. "Are yeh sure?" I asked. "I was about to head back when yeh came down anyway."

"It's no problem," he said. "We can give you a ride back."

I looked out at the water and back at Arthur. I was going to decline until Jack spoke up, "I  want you to stay, Aunt Riley."

I smiled and put my stuff back down. "Alright, I'll stay," I said, still smiling. I grabbed Jack's fishing rod and handed it to him. Then, I went back to my spot.

"Where should we stand, Uncle Arthur?" Jack asked. Arthur started walking toward the water. He answered, "down by the shore. C'mon, follow me."

Once they reached the shore, Arthur reached into his satchel and pulled out some bait and I did the same. Arthur said, "First we need some bait. I'm gonna use some cheese."

"Cheese?" Jack asked.

"Smellier the better," Arthur said.

I baited my rod again and cast my line, glad to have some company.

"Now, to cast your line, swing the rod back over your shoulder," Arthur said as he swung the rod back. "And bring it forward in a smooth motion."

Jack was trying to swing with his elbow. Arthur said, "use your wrist, not your elbow."

My Outlaw (Arthur Morgan)Where stories live. Discover now