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Your P.O.V.

You let out a low sigh as you pulled the hood over your head and tightened the strings. Another day of school. Another day or utter humiliation, horror, and harassment. Another day to absolutely hate your life.

Why couldn't you just be left alone? You did your best not to be noticed, but it never works. Life would be so much easier if you were just invisible. Unfortunately you don't have that kind of magic to help you. You're not a monster. Just an average human nobody.

You didn't waste time once you were on the college grounds. You went straight to your class and sat at the very back in the corner like always. Out of everyone's way. You knew that the professors didn't care what happened to you, but they hated being interrupted during a lesson or having their focus ruined by a bunch of loud mouthed students. This place wasn't the safest, but it was safer than out in the halls in the open. No one really wants to go into the classroom until they really need to. They prefer to hang out with friends in the hallway.

The bell rang and kids began wondering in and taking seats closer to the front. You let out a quiet sigh of relief. Out of all the humans and monsters here, he wasn't here. He was the only one who'd pick on you during class, and the professors would let him cause they're scared of him. Last time a professor spoke up against him, they went to the hospital and quit right after. They found it easier and safer for everyone(save me) to just let him do what he wants.

You smiled as class started. The professor was just reviewing material from last week so you pulled out a book and started reading. Things were peaceful till-


The classroom door busted open, making you jump and drop your book, and he walked in. No one talked as Sans started to make his way to his usual spot, which wasn't too far from you. You tried to hurry and pick up your book before he noticed and pretend you didn't even notice him come in, but it didn't work. As you reached down to pick up your book, your chair scooted back a bit and made that screeching sound, making everyone in the classroom look right at you.

"Why if it isn't the little brat," Sans said with his sharp toothed grin. "Still bother showing up?"

"I-I'm not little..." you mumbled quietly.

"What was that, Brat?" Sans asked.

"I-I'm average h-height! I-I'm not little..." You repeated.

"Talking back, are we?" Sans said, then snapped his fingers. Your soul appeared in front of you, eloped in red magic and you couldn't move. "I could end your miserable existence right here. But what would be the fun in that? It'd be so much more pleasing to watch your torture."

With that, your soul was released and Sans went to his spot and sat. Everyone was looking at you, giggling and whispering to each other. You blocked them out as you picked up your book and went back to reading. Your heart was racing and wouldn't calm down. You felt sick to your stomach.

"The stupid bitch," one girl in front of me whispered to her friend. "She should know better than to talk back. She needs to learn her place."

You felt your heart ache a bit. This was your life. Alone without one friend in a world of people that hated you. Suddenly, a red bone shot up between the girl in her friend, making them fall out of their seats. Everyone in the room started to laugh. Embarrassed, the girl and her friend ran out of the room. We all knew who that bone belonged to, and people turned to Sans who only mumbled, "They were annoying."

A while later class was coming to an end soon and, wanting to avoid as many people possible, you slipped out of the room and started making your way to your next class early. As you were walking, you got grabbed by the arm and pulled into the girls bathroom. It was the girl and her friend that Sans chased out of the room earlier.

"W-what do you want?" You asked, backing up against the wall.

"What happened to us was because of you, wasn't it?" the girl said, glaring daggers.

"W-what are you t-talking about? I-I didn't summon that b-bone!"

"Bullshit! We were talking about you, then that suddenly happens? You're a freak!"

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