Chapter one

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So that's basically your life. Get up, got to college, get harassed and beat up, and head home to your abusive father. Luckily he was usually passed out drunk before you got home so you didn't have to deal with him much. As you walked in, you went to the kitchen and grabbed an ice pack to put on your black eye. You couldn't see you father anywhere, so you just went to hurry to your room. As you rounded the corner to the hallway however, you ran right smack into him.

He was a little off balance and you could smell the alcohol on him as he glared down at you. Of course this would be your luck today. First beat up in the girls bathroom, then running into your drunk father.

"Where the hell were you?!" he shouted.

"I-I was in c-class," you responded, shrinking away from him, but he grabbed your arm tightly, making you yelp out in pain.

"Like hell you were! You think I'm some kind of idiot?! You're a whore just like your mother!" he threw you against the wall making you cough and gasp for air as a roaring pain shot from your shoulder, making you cry out in pain. You did your best to choke back the tears as you knew it'd just make things worse if you cried.

Sometime later your father had thrown you in your room after beating you and locked the door from outside. Everything hurt and you could hardly breathe. You had to get out of here. You just couldn't take this anymore. Gathering what little strength you had left, you packed some things and changed your clothes.

Quietly you climbed out the window and started walking. You didn't know where you were going, nor did you care. Right now, you just had to get away. You wondered into town then continued to wonder till your legs were about ready to give out. You leaned against a wall as you caught your breath. About that time, a man across the street came out of a bar stumbling and his gaze met yours. You quickly looked away, hoping he'd ignore you, but he soon found his way across the street and towards you.

"Hey sexy~" the man said with this gross look in his eye and a grin that sent shivers down your spine. "How about you come with me~? I'll show you a real good time~"

"N-no thank you. I-I really need to get g-going," you said, quickly turning away and started walking, but the man grabbed you by the waist and pulled you back against him.

"Don't be like that sweet cheeks~ I'll pay you~"

"I-I don't want your money," you said, struggling to get away.

"Well if you won't do it willingly," he said dragging you into the nearby alley.

"W-what are you doing?!" You shouted in alarm and he covered your mouth.

He then proceeded to pin you and started undoing your pants forcefully. You kicked and screamed, but his hand muffled it and he was just too strong to fight. Still, you clawed at him and continued to fight. Suddenly, you were covered in blood. His blood.

The guy looked down, shocked. There, in his chest, was a red bone. His grip weakened and you hurried out from under him and stared at him in fear. Not just because of what he was trying to do, but of the scene before you of the man with a bone piercing his chest before falling limp on the ground.

"So your the one causing all the commotion," a sinister voice said with a chuckle. You'd recognized that voice anywhere.

"S-Sans..?" You whimpered, looking up at him.

"Who else, Brat? What are you even doing in this part of-" He suddenly cut himself off and both of his eyes went black before quickly going back to their red pupils. "Did he do that to your eye?"

"W-what?" You questioned before suddenly remembering the beating in the bathroom. "N-no... Th-this was an.. a-accident..."

Sans was quiet for a moment before turning around. "Well you better head home, kid. This part of town ain't safe."

"I-I..." you started, looking down.

"You what?" Sans asked, sounding a bit annoyed.

"N-nothing! N-never mind! Th-thank you!" You hurriedly got up and began walking away, but you suddenly fell to your knees again. You were too tired at this point. Your legs were already sore before the struggle, but now they're beyond that. You weren't going anywhere till you rested up.

"What's wrong, Kid? Legs fall asleep on ya?" Sans let out a laugh and you just looked down. "Tell you what kid. You entertained me tonight with that little incident so I'll help you home. Just tell me where it is."

"N-no!" You shouted out instinctly, then covered your mouth. "I-it's fine. Y-you don't have to..."

Sans was quiet for a moment before walking over to you. You refused to look at him, then the next thing you knew, you were in the air. Sans had picked you up and was carrying you.


"Just shut up," Sans said before everything went black. When everything came to, you realized that you weren't in the same place as before. It was a house you've never seen before. While you were still in shock, Sans tossed you on the couch. "Take the hoodie off," He demanded.

"W-What?" You asked, surprised.

"There's dirt and shit on it," Sans grumbled. "Paps'll throw a fit if it gets on the couch." Without waiting for you to reply, he grabbed a hold of your hoodie and yanked. You felt the pain in your shoulder again and cried out. Sans instantly stopped. "What the hell kid?"

You held onto your shoulder. "I-it's noting. I-I'm fine." You responded. After a few more seconds of silence, he grabbed your hoodie and ripped it without it disturbing your shoulder. "H-hey!"

Sans eyes went black again when he saw your shoulder. It was swollen from all hell. When his pupils came back, you noticed them tracing over the rest of your body, examining all the bruises and scars. You usually didn't like others seeing your skin because of the beatings, but at this moment you really didn't mind.

"What happened?" Sans asked in a demanding tone.

"I-it's nothing," You responded, not able to look up at him.

Realizing that he wasn't going to get any answers out of you about your injuries, he dropped the subject and walked over to the closet and grabbed a blanket and tossed in to you. You looked at it and him in confusion.

"Don't take this as a sign that I care or nothin'. It'd just be boring if I just let you die on the streets," he explained before going upstairs to his room and slamming his door.

You covered up and laid on the couch. You heard what he said, but you couldn't help but feel that maybe there was more to it then that. After all, he actually showed concern for your injuries instead of mocking you or making things worse. Maybe he wasn't as bad as he was leading on. With these thoughts in your head, you slowly fell asleep.

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