Scary spanish class babies...?

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I'm laughing so hard I was at Spanish class and we were watching presentations of Spanish holidays and one was about these people who jump over babies. There was a video that popped up called baby smashing fails and all of the kids in my Spanish class were yelling BABY SMASHING FAILS and it was very chaotic and I was dying this isn't even a story I just have to share this and it's not even funny when I write it down I JUST WANT TO REMEMBER THIS.

Also extra bonus Spanish class story. I was absent one day in eight grade and the next day making up an assignment at lunch for Spanish. I was in my Spanish class and my teacher told me to get out a piece of paper and I took out one I had ripped the corner off of for a note and my teacher was like "preferably one you did not take a bite out of, it's okay we all get hungry sometimes" LMAO I LOVED HER.

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