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I'm dying at that picture. Here's another random story that makes no sense! ENJOY

So me and my friend were at lunch and our table was so crazy. Me and her were throwing carrots up and we were being so dumb but once all the carrots fell down we sat there for a second and we started talking and then OUT OF NO WHERE ANOTHER CARROT FALLS OUT OF THE SKY. One theory is that we threw it up and it floated for a second and it kept spinning and once all the rest came down it decided to come down too. So yeah ghost carrot story for today!

Also bonus story, THINKING ABOUT VEGETABLES MADE ME THINK OF THIS. One time me and my sister were eating veggies and idk what she said to me that made so mad but I got so angry at her that I took a cucumber that was on the table and I DROPPED IT IN HER MIKK GLASS IT WAS SO FUNNY WE JUST STARTED DYNG LAUGHING. Great way to stop a fight! Put a cucumber in milk!!

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