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~~No One's POV~~

The day has come, when the new young wizards and witches would come to Hogwarts to learn their true power. Dumbledore was especially excited for this year, for he had envied two special guest.... Harry Potter and (Y/N) (L/N).'Both are very powerful, all they need is a little guidance' he thought

~~Draco's POV~~

As McGonagall led us to the entrance to Hogwarts I felt a little tingle on my neck. 'Why won't it stop,ever since I got my Hogwarts letter it wouldn't stop all thanks to this bloody stupid symbol on my neck'.

This day has been absolutely  terrible so far, first saint Potter has the guts to reject my generous offer, and now this annoying symbol won't stop tingling

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This day has been absolutely  terrible so far, first saint Potter has the guts to reject my generous offer, and now this annoying symbol won't stop tingling."Hopefully I won't be in the same house as the mudblood and that blood treater, I highly doubt that they would be in slytherin" I mumbled

~~Still Draco's POV~~

After everyone was sorted into their houses a portal appeared in the middle of the dining hall. Through the portal came a man and a woman. The man looked about my father's age, he had short blood red hair, huge bat like wings, black eyes, and a smirk that could rival my father's, and his teeth looked sharp as razers, ' He looks terrifying '. The woman on the other hand was the opposite, she has shiny long silver hair, large white wings that have the softest looking white feathers. "Dumbledore my friend how have you been?" The man said putting his arm around the woman's waist "they must be together" I mumble quietly. "(F/N),(M/N) you arrived just in time, where is that little devil of yours " Dumbledore said. Before they could utter a sound a voice yelled "IN COMING!!!",out the portal came a girl my age with (H/L) (H/C) hair, beautiful  (S/C) skin, she also has two horns on her head with a halo hovering over her head. Her outfit looked expensive but not from here.

 Her outfit looked expensive but not from here

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(☝☝Your outfit. You can change the color if you want, also the mark on the outfit is a Dragon. If you know where it's from you are now my bestie😆)

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