☆Pug Face ☆

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~~Your P.O.V~~

After my parents left, I turned to the head table where older humans are sitting, and said "Excuse me, but where will I be going?" .The really old human man was about to reply, but before he could utter a word one of the four tables started yelled things like "Over here!!" and "We have a set for you here".

"I'm guessing that I belong in that table, correct?" I said. The adults simply nodded. I walked toward the table, I could feel all eyes on be, I could sense some fear, some excitement, and some curiosity. I ignored the staring and sat down. I wanted to set near my mate but people were already sitting on both sides of him, so I had to sit next to a girl that looks like a pug. By now the staring is getting annoying so I have everyone a glare.

Everyone looked away, everyone but my mate. I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine, i couldn't look away, his eyes were so mesmerizing. 'I have to make him mine' I thought.

Our little staring feast was interrupted by someone tapping glass. Everyone turned their attention to the source of the sound, a professor. "Your attention please" the woman said, the old man which I think is named Dumbledore the headmaster stood up and announced that the feast will begin. Just as he said that plates upon plates of food appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone was amazed, except for me. ' Please, that's not a big deal, I did that when I was three years old '. I looked at food and couldn't find any cheesecake, so I made one appearin front of me.

I heard a gasp and looked up, the whole table was looking at me with surprised faces. "How did you do that?" Asked the pug with a awestruck face. "With magic of course, what else?" I said in a monotone voice, literally how else was I able to do it?

"Well you didn't even use your wand, and I doubt that you could have been able to do that without one". She said in that annoying voice of hers. 'How stupid could she be!! She just saw my parents that are the king and queen of both heaven and hell, she must know that if far powerful then them.................... God I sound like a brat'. "I don't need a wand to do magic, that's the best part of being an angle/devil", I explained. "That's wicked!!!" I heard a wonderful voice yell.


Soooooooooo sorry I couldn't update!!! School has been a pain in the ass. I've been really sick, and my baby brother was just born so I couldn't update.

But I will try to update more often. Again I'm sooooo sorry, I hope you'll forgive me🙏🙏.

But on the side note. 156 READS!!!!!!!! I never thought that I'd even get 1. So thank you soooooooooooooo much 💕💖💗💞💕💖💗💞💕💖💗💞💕💖💗💞

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