☆It's a Start☆

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Ok I have finally updated, so don't get mad at me!!

P.s: I was in a hurry and didn't revise it so, there might be some mistakes. But I hope you like it!!💖💖


《☆Your P.O.V☆》

I turn my head to the voice, and see my mates face vary close to mine.  I could feel my face heating up as I continue to look at him.

"But if you don't need a wand to use magic then, why are you here to learn how to use magic with a wand?" He said with a cut curious look on his face." Well, when I grow up I'll because the ruler of both heaven and hell, and as the ruler I need to understand all types of magic to understand people's struggles." I explained.

" Wow!! That must be a lot of work, remembering all types of magic and stuff." He said with stars in his eyes.

" It is but, it's fun learning some new things about people, you know?" I said with a smile showing off my sharp teeth. "Anyways what's your name cutie," I said with a wink.             

" Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, and you?"       "L/N, Y/N L/N" " And I'm Pansy Parkinson, it's nice to meet you, right Dracipoo~~." Wait a second, didn't it says that pug face has a crush on Draco












My Draco

Ha, ha, ha ,ha, HA. That's priceless, like she's ever going to get the chance.


"I've told before Parkinson, don't ever call me that." Draco said with a face full of hate. " But Dracipoo~, you know you love it when I called you that, don't lie~~." I swear, if she doesn't shut the fuck up, I'll do it for her. " Look  pug face, he clearly doesn't want you to call him that, so stop before I punch the ever living shit out of you. Got thst? " I said said I look at her with a stern face. I could tell she was scared, I could hear her heart about to explode out of her chest, I could taste her fear,and I love it!! She soon soon got up and went to set somewhere else. "Th~thank you, she's been bothering me ever since I meet her on the train." "No problem angle cake,if she ever bothers you again tell me,ok?" "O-Ok" he said with a heavy blush on his face.

' I'm so lucky that he's mine.'

~~Time Skip~~

After everyone had finished with their meal,we were lead to our house by the head boy. 'Cool! We get to stay in the dungeon!' We all stood in front of a painting of a women and listened to the head boy speaking "Now pay attention everyone, each house has their own individual password. Once you the password you must not tell anyone that is not in the slytherin household." The head boy turned towards the paintin,the painting came alive and asked for the password. "Dragons Blood" the boy said and the painting swung open to reveal the common room.

The room was mostly silver and different shades of green,and had the most amazing view of the black lake. "The dormitories for the girls are on the right,boys on the left. L/N, your parents required for you to have your own room,so go up the right stairs and look for a black door, got it?" "Got it."

I was about to head up to my room when I was stopped by someone calling my name. I turned around and was meet by a kiss to the cheek from Draco. "Thanks again Y/N, see you tomorrow?" Yup, see you tomorrow." I watched as he went up the stairs and to his dorm. I kept smiling as I continued towards my room.

Once I got in my room and did my happy dance. After I few minutes of dancing, I flopped on my bed. I soon got ready to go to bed and changed. I laid down on my bed and went to sleep, dreaming about my sweet angle cake.

My Devil Darling ☆Draco Malfoy X Reader ☆Where stories live. Discover now