Yo...I'm alive

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Beep...beep...beep...bee-SMASH!! My eyes open to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. 'What time is it?... 5:30?! Who the fuck wakes up this early?'
Since I couldn't go back to sleep, I decided to go get ready for the day.

After I finished getting ready, I walked to the great hall. Once I arrived I realized that besides the teachers, I was the first one there. 'Well fuck,I could have gotten more sleep if it wasn't for that stupid alarm clock !'(You don't understand how many times this has happened to me).
While I was cursing my alarm clock in my head, I failed to notice Professor Dumbledore walking towards me.

"Why young (Y/N), I see that you're up early, your parents mentioned that you're not an early bird, what happens if I may ask?" He asked with slight concern. "Well... they're not wrong, the only reason I'm up this early is because my stupid alarm clock went off to early and I could get back to sleep. So, I was like "why not just get ready?" I replied in an exhausted voice. Dumbledore gave a light chuckle, "That's understandable, but if you don't mind me asking,how come your not wearing your uniform. Was there something wrong with it?" He asked with a slight frown. "Oh no, it's not that there's a problem with the uniform, it's just that since I'm part devil my skin can get very abnormally hot and could catch the clothes on fire. So, I wear special clothing that could withstand the heat." I explained. "Ok, good to know, now I wish you enjoy your stay a Hogwarts." He said with a kind smile and left.

After a few more minutes of waiting,the other students finally started to come. I was saving a seat for Draco but, everyone wanted to sit next to me. So, since I only needed on set for Draco I let a kid sit on my right and saved the set on my left for my Love.

Draco finally came and was accompanied by two other boys. I see him look around for a place to seat, I waved to hime and pointed to the seat next to me. He came over with a blush on his face and sat down next to me, while his friends 'I'm assuming' sat in front of us. "So how was your sleep beautiful?" I asked with a smirk on my face. He looked at me with a full face of blush and looked away. "I-it was fine, how was yours?" He as asked. "It was wonderful really, thanks to your little gift~." I said in a teasing tone. Which caused his blush to increase. "T-that was only a one time thing!! Don't get used to it, dummy!!!" He yelled out. I chuckle and said "We'll see about that. But, for now would you kindly introduce your friends to me, Doll face?" "W-what ever, this is Vincent Crabble and this one is Gregory Goyle." He said in an uninterested voice.

"Well it's so nice to meet you guys! I'm sure that you already know who I am but, I'll tell you anyway. I'm (Y/N) (L/N), hope we can be great friends."I say and put both my hands out to shake theirs. "Its a pleasure to meet you" they both said and shook my hand. "So, are you really half angel and half devil ?" Goyle asked with eagerness. "Yup, my mom (M/n) is the queen of the heavens and my dad, (F/N) is the king of hell." I say casually. "Wow! That's so cool, you must have some really cool powers huh?" they both said. "You bet my little marshmallows! You two are so cute, I could just eat you two up~" I said with a wink. I watched as their faces turn bright red, "Thank you!"

I guess Draco got jealous because he then said "We should hurry up and go to class, can't be late on the first day" grabbed my hand and started to pull me away. "You know, you don't have to be jealous. My eyes are o ly on you and forever will be" I said truthfully. My mate turned around and I was able to see the raging blush on his face. "I wasn't jealous! I just want to make a good impression on the first day!" "Sure whatever you say love, whatever you say."


Hey guys! Guess who's alive!!!

I know you guys are probably really mad at for basically disappearing off the face of the earth. But hey at least I'm back now, and with another chapter.

I would like to thank you guys for being patient with me and thanks for the reads. I still can't believe that we are close to a thousand reads!💗💗

After this in going to start on the next chapter so that I can give it to you guys sooner. Also stay safe guys, I know times are hard, but we'll get through it we've be through many things be and got through the all, so I have no doubt that well over come this.

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