☆My Mate☆

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~~Your P.O.V~~

"IN COMING" I yelled while trying to stop flying while going through the portal and crashed into a wall."~Owwwww~" I moaned as I got up and rubbed my forehead.

"Aww My little angel are you okay" I heard my mother say with worry in her voice "Come on (M/N) you don't have to baby her, she's part devil for crying out loud she's as strong as me." My father wines in a childish manner. 'Sometimes I wonder if he's a grown man or a child'.

"Don't worry mom it's just a bruise, yours truly can handle it " I said with a closed eyed grin."That's my little demon, see what I told you hunny" my dad said with a smug look on his face.

I was about to say something until I heard a cough coming from behind me.

I turned around to see a bunch of mortals, some my age and some older. But what caught my eye what a boy my age with beautiful  platinum blonde hair, and gorgeous gray eyes that I could get lost in for years. ' He's the most mesmerizing human I have ever seen '.

I was admiring the gray eyed beauty as he was analyzing my parents. He turned to my direction and locked eyes with me. My soulmate mark started to tingle a lot ' could this human  truly be my mate, my one and only, though I wouldn't mind being with him '.

I stared into his eyes as he lifted his hand to his neck and rubbed it. I could see a took of curiosity and confusion in his pretty little eyes. ' I really hope I could get to know h- ' , my thoughts were cut off by my father pulling to a chair that has a weird looking hat on top.

My dad picked up the hat, sat me down, and put the hat on my head " Ok, what the absolute fuc- oww " I was cut of by mom pulling my ear. "What were you about to say young lady😡!!" She yelled , "fudge!! I was gonna say fudge!" I yelled quickly fixing my mistake."That's what I thought, you will not use those unholy words in my house hold" she said "But we're not at home, and if we were dad cusses all the time" I argued.

  I felt something being put on my head and my dad put his hand on my shoulder and whispers in my ear  " I won't argue with her if I were you, remember what happened last time? ". I was about to say something to my dad when a voice yelled "SLYTHERIN!!!" , as the voice yelled one of the four tables started to cheer, that table is were my mate was sitting. I looked at him again and see him giving me a stunning smile. ' I really am lucky to get someone as cute as that ' I though to myself.

"Well go on then." My dad said patting my head "Go where? And why am I going? " I asked confused. My mom came and hugged me and said " Well my little angel cakes you know that as the future ruler of our world you need to know about all the types of magical creatures, right? " "Yup, but I already know about all the magical creatures " I said still in confusion "You do, but you don't know much about wizards, so we asked a friend of ours for help and got you enrolled in Hogwarts,so this is where we leave you, but don't worry we can come pick you up on the holidays and summer, ok?" As she explained the situation to me I couldn't be happier, my mate and I can get to know him. "Ok mom. I guess this is good bye for now, I'll see you guys on the holidays then". With that my parents walked to the portal and left.

Welp it's show time!!


Another chapter out hope you like it😏😄🤗😄🤗😄😏😄

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