Chapter 10: Meet Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda!

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Tina was super confused and angry. Anti-Wanda was holding her tightly with a wide smile while Anti-Cosmo was smirking and Fred smiling.

Flaskback to before all this happened~
Fred was in Tina's room reading while Tina was out probably hanging out with Larry.

He was interested how a girl like her would have so many books of blood and gore, but he couldn't say he was surprised that they mainly spoke of torture.

Soon there was a flash of lightning and in poofed two Anti-Fairies.

Fred closed his book before smiling at the two.

"Hello evil genius and country girl." He greeted with a smile and Anti-Cosmo smiled before saying, "Frederick, hello old chap! How are you?"

"Freddy!" Anti-Wanda yelled before tackling him into a hug.

"I'm fine, how are you two?" Fred asked before hugging back with a smile.

"How is it here?" Anti-Cosmo asked before looking around the room.

"It's fine." Fred said before sighing and saying, "You can let go of me, now country girl."

Anti-Wanda was still hugging him before he poofed a giant stuffed spider and she immediately hugged it.

"My word, where is your goddaughter?" Anti-Cosmo asked and Tina had walked in with an evil smile before noticing Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda.

"Aw, she's so cute!" Anti-Wanda said once the toy disappeared and noticed Tina.

She quickly floated over to her and hugged her tightly with a wide smile.

End of flashback~

"Freddy, who are these dark fairies?" Tina asked, while glaring at Anti-Wanda who did not notice.

"Pip, pip cheerio and all that child. My name is Anti-Cosmo." Anti-Cosmo said with an evil smile.

"Howdy! I'm Anti-Wanda and you are so gosh darn cute! Ooh, can we have her, sweetheart? Please~?" Anti-Wanda asked her husband, Fred poofing the girl into his arms, hissing with a glare, "Mine!"

"Tina Icewell. As long as you don't mess with me, we'll get along fine." Tina said and Anti-Cosmo smirked before telling Fred, "She's a keeper. Anyway, it's getting late. It was a pleasure to meet you Tina."

Anti-Cosmo ruffled her hair while Anti-Wanda hugged her before poofing away.

"Freddy." Tina said to her godfather who replied, "Yes?"

"You can put me down, now." Tina said and Fred smirked before hugging her closer to him.

"No. You're my goddaughter."
Hey guys! Sorry if I took so long to update and sorry if it sucked or too short! I'm exhausted, so good night, sleep tight and toodles~!

Total words: 436

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