Chapter 13: I can't believe I'm sick today!

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Blow your nose.



Blow your nose.



Blow your nose.



Blow your nose.



Blow your nose.

That was the pattern for every five minutes.

Tina lay in bed with a rag on her forehead and used tissues started to overflow the dustbin.

The doctor took the thermometer from her mouth and frowned upon seeing the temperature.

"40.5? This is not good." He said and wrote something on his notepad before turning to Mr and Mrs Turner who were outside waiting nervously.

"I suggest you two avoid physical contact and change the rag if her temperature keeps rising. Also, make sure she doesn't move so much." The doctor said and Mrs. Turner nodded her head.

"*Cough* Don't I get *cough* medicine for *achoo* this annoying cough?" Tina asked and the doctor chuckled before saying, "I was getting to that, young lady. Every two hours, take this for at least seven days."

He handed Mr. Turner the medicine, which was quickly taken by Mrs. Turner.

"Well, that is all. Good day, all of you." The doctor said and left.

"Would you like anything, sweetie?" Mrs. Turner asked and Tina thought, before shaking her head.

"Well, we're off to work. Call if you need anything." Mr. Turner said and left with Mrs. Turner after she pat her hair.

As soon as they left, Fred poofed into the room with a frown. He reached out and ran his fingers through her hair.

"Poor girl. Would you like me to do anything?" Fred asked and Tina coughed before saying, "I wish I wasn't sick! *achoo*!"

He was about to grant her wish, when a big book that was navy blue poofed into the room. He rolled his eyes before saying, "Let me see the page that has a rule against this."

The book floated towards him and flipped to a page where he read, "'If already checked by the doctor, a fairy godparent cannot heal their sick godchild. The thing you can do is take care of them'."

"*Cough* So I'll be sick *achoo* until a week?!" Tina said before blowing her nose.

"I wish I had more tissues." She said and Fred granted her wish after poofing away the book.

He soon felt her forehead and raised his wand to turn the rag into a bag of ice.

"I'll be right back." He said before poofing into the kitchen.

Fred's POV:
'What should I make for my sick little goddaughter? I used to make her soup whenever she got sick.' I think before shaking my head.

"Cliche, but I'll have to make her tea." I say and heat the water with the tea leaves.

I add the ginger and honey and poof in a tea pot with two cups with a already cut lemon.

"Now for the soup..." I say and look through the cabinets before hearing the door open and shut.

I turn into a bat and fly to see that red head with pink eyes who babysits Timmy.

'What was her name again? It rhymed with an Icky. Nicky? No. Ricky? No. Dicky? No... Victor? Ah, of course, Vicky!' I think before observing her to see she has Tina's medicine.

"After two hours, huh? Let me make it six hours, instead." She says and goes to watch TV after tossing the medicine, making me catch it.

I narrow my eyes, before smirking and raising my wand.

"Aah!" She screamed before running away from the black and green vipers I poofed in the living room as well as bees.

I poofed the creatures away before heading to Tina's room with the tea and sweet and spicy chicken noodle soup.

"*Cough* What was that?" Tina asked and I smile before saying, "Just a pest I needed to get rid of."

"Here you go. Some ginger, lemon, honey tea to help with that cough."

I hand her a cup with tea and she sips it, before saying, "It's good."

After she finishes, I look at my pocket watch to see two hours have passed.

"Time for your medicine." I say and she frowns in response.

I read through it before shaking it and opening it. I put it on the spoon before saying, "Open up~!"

She rolls her eyes before doing so and pop it in her mouth.

Tina's POV:
"It's so bitter... I like it." I say and Fred chuckles before asking, "Would you like to eat because I made soup~!"

I shrug and he poofs in a bowl with soup.

After eating it, I say, "It was pretty delicious. I'm not surprised of the flavor though."

I yawn and glance at the clock to see it's 5:30 pm.

"Well, go to sleep kiddo." He says and I close my eyes and fall into a peaceful slumber.

No one's POV:
After Tina fell asleep, Fred watched her until Timmy came into the room.

"What is it, Timothy?" Fred asked and Timmy asked, "Vicky isn't babysitting today, were you behind it?"

"Obviously. Where's Gummy bear green and swirly pink haired nag?" Fred asks and they poof in the room.

"Hi Freddy!" Cosmo says with a smile and Wanda asks, "Where were you and Tina?"

"She's sick and since I can't heal her because a doctor already checked her." Fred said and smiles at Tina's peaceful face.

"Now is that all you wanted to know?" He asked a bit annoyed.

"You all have two choices: Either you shut your bloody mouths or you go and yell outside!" Tina said, a bit tired and annoyed.

"Anyway, how was your day, Timmy?"

"It was good, Larry came to drop this." Timmy said, pulling out the card and open half eaten bag of gummy bears.

She took the card and read it, before smiling a bit and forcing herself to frown at her cousin, "You ate my sweets."

Timmy chuckled, before being hit in the face with a pillow.

He glared, before Wanda poofed into his hand two more pillows.

"Fred..." Tina said and smirked when he poofed a mountain of pillows.

"Pillow fight!" Cosmo yelled and hit Fred who glared before hitting him with two pillows.

In the end, Tina was much better and there we're a lot of feathers.
Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the chapter and sorry if I took too long to update, I've been busy! Toodles~!

Total words: 1066

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