Fairly OddParents Au

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Picture above isn't mine.

In this Au, Nina exists and so does goth Timmy, Anti-Cosmo, Anti-Wanda and Frederick's evil side.

So enjoy 😊!
Timmy was in his room going through the channels on the TV he wished up in boredom.

"Oh Little bunny~!"

Timmy sighed in annoyance before standing up to go open the door.

On the other side stood his cheery cousin Tina Icewell.

Before she could say anything, Timmy shut the door in her face on seeing the outfits in her arms.

His Anti-fairy godparents (Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda) watched as he went back to scrolling through channels on the TV.

"I wish I was in Timmy's room!"

Timmy's eyes narrowed at his cousin who was now in his room, beside her floated her fairy godparent.

Lucas Anti-Hathaway was known to be the most sadist, uncaring fairy/anti-fairy hybrid in the whole world who so happened to hate humans especially godchildren

So why is he a fairy godparent to the sweetest, innocent girl in the whole world?

It was a punishment by both the Fairy and the Anti-Fairy Council because he would rather be put through eternal torture than be a fairy godparent.

"Little bunny! I need you to try these if you aren't too busy." Tina requested with a smile on her face.

"No." Timmy said, continuing to scroll through the channels before Tina came in front of the TV, holding out the two outfits.

One was a pink shirt and light blue trousers while the other was a white shirt with dark blue trousers and a pink hoodie jacket.

"Please Little bunny~! Just for a few minutes!" Tina asked, her smile not faltering.

"Tina, get this through your dumb brain that I do not want to try your stupid outfits! Now get out of my room!" Timmy yelled, now fed up with his cousin.

Tina's eyes filled with tears and her lip quivered before she said with a shaky voice, "O-Okay. I'm s-sorry I've been such a b-bother..."

Tina left dragging the two outfits with her.

After hearing the door close, Lucas growled before using his magic to blow up the TV and picking Timmy by his collar.

"Listen here you ungrateful little brat! I did not waste five hours of my life helping her pick out an outfit for her dear cousin only for her to be yelled at by you!" Lucas yelled with an angry look on his face as his purple eyes flashed red.

"Frederick!" Anti-Cosmo yelled in his normal form, glaring at the hybrid with his wife who was scared for their godson.

Lucas glanced at the two before roughly shoving Timmy to the ground.

"You better make it up to her or else it'll take more than those two to stop me from ripping you limb from limb." Lucas whispered in his ear before poofing away.

"Sweetie, are ya alright?" Anti-Wanda asked, helping her godson up.

"Yeah... Yeah, I'm alright." Timmy said, nodding his head a bit.

"Are you sure? What did he say?" Anti-Cosmo asked, checking Timmy for any injuries.

What? Don't blame him! Frederick has inflicted pain without even having to touch someone!

'"You better make it up to her or else it'll take more than those two to stop me from ripping you limb from limb."' Timmy thought of Lucas' threat before saying, "I wish had Tina's outfits."

Meanwhile in Tina's room~
Tina was crying due to being hurt at her cousin's words.

Lucas soon poofed into the room and rolled his eyes on the sight of Tina still crying.

"Daar, daar, een klein naïef meisje." Lucas said, patting her shoulder before tensing on Tina instantly hugging him.

"Okay... Now get off me." Lucas said, pushing Tina back a bit, making her comply.

The two soon heard a knock on the door, making Lucas turn into a black rabbit.

Tina wiped her tears and opened the door to show a note on the ground with folded clothes. 

'I need to show you something in my room. Wear these as well.

-Your Little Bunny~ A.K.A: Timmy.'

Tina looked at the clothes to see a white shirt with red stars on them as well as a light pink skirt.

After changing, Tina wished again to be in her cousin's room.

Tina smiled on seeing her cousin in one of her outfits.

Timmy rubbed the back of his neck not looking or noticing his cousin's reaction.

"Eeeeeee! I knew this was perfect for you!" Tina said with a smile while clapping her hands excitedly

Timmy had worn the white shirt with dark blue trousers and the pink hoodie jacket. 

True, it wasn't his style and he certainly didn't like the color of the jacket, but he'd rather wear that than a pink shirt.

"So... What do you think of your outfit?" Timmy asked, looking up at Tina.

"I love it! Thank you so much, Little bunny!" Tina said with a wide grin before pulling him into a hug.

"Hey and... I'm so... I'm so..." Timmy said before Tina said, "I should be sorry, after all, I was bothering you..."

"I snapped at you, though..." Timmy said with a small frown.

"It's okay! I know you didn't mean to!" Tina chirped on pulling away.

"Do... Do you want to maybe watch some TV with me?" Timmy asked and Tina smiled before saying, "I would love to."

"Finally." Lucas mumbled with a small smile before noticing Anti-Cosmo's smirk and Anti-Wanda's smile.

"What?" Lucas asked, turning to the two.

"We's never seens ya smile before." Anti-Wanda pointed out, making Lucas grow defensive.

"What? Psh, no! You must be seeing things." Lucas said, purple blush dusting his cheeks as he crossed his arms.

"I say, are you blushing, old boy?" Anti-Cosmo asked with a smirk.

"Ik haat je." Lucas mumbled, before turning his attention back to the two godchildren.
Hey guys! It has certainly been a while! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! And let me explain some things:

• Freddy-bear has an evil side called Lucas who doesn't get along with Anti-fairies or Fairies in this Au.

• Lucas tends to speak Dutch when he's annoyed, embarrassed or comforting Tina.

• Lucas loathes humans especially godchildren.

• Lucas has a habit of injuring or killing people or children who get on his nerves.

• Physical contact makes Lucas uncomfortable.

Now onto the meanings in English:

Daar, daar, een klein naïef meisje - There, there, little naive girl.

Ik haat je - I hate you.

Anyway, have a nice day or good night! Toodles~!

Total words: 1104

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