Sweet Scenario

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It was movie night. It was also Tina's turn to pick a movie for everyone to watch and enjoy.

So she obviously chose a horror movie.

"'The Nun'? Are you sure?" Mrs Turner asked and Tina nodded her head.

"I think you should go to bed then, Timmy." Mr Turner said and Timmy frowned before saying, "I can handle it, really."

Tina raised her eyebrow before shrugging and inserting the CD on the player.

The beginning was boring, making Timmy okay and Tina bored.

It soon reached the part where a shadow walked behind the painting and ran at the lady with a scary look on her face.

Mr and Mrs Turner jumped, making Tina giggle while Timmy screamed a bit.

When it ended, Tina smiled while Mr and Mrs Turner were frozen before saying, "That was the best movie ever!"

"Let's watch it again!" Mr Turner said, before Timmy said, "No! I mean, i-it's late! I should get to bed."

"He's right. Good night aunt Susan and uncle Darren." Tina said and they both said, "Good night you two!"

As soon as Tina entered her room, she immediately dove into her bed, exhausted.

Timmy, on the other hand, was scared and every time he looked at a certain wall with a poster, he'd see the nun's ugly, scary face.

As he turned to the window that was being tapped, he saw the silhouette of the nun with glowing yellow eyes!

He screamed and ran out of his room.

Tina's POV:
"Tina! Tina! Wake up!" I heard while being shook.

I opened my eyes and asked tiredly, "What's wrong, Timmy?"

"I think the nun is at my window!" Timmy says and I yawn before getting out of bed with my mace.

I walk to his room, Timmy hiding behind me and I ask, "Where did you see the nun, again?"

"T-There!" He says and points to the window where there are glowing yellow eyes with a silhouette of no doubt, the nun.

I switch on the light and instead of the nun, there is a funny looking owl.

"B-But I was sure it was nun!" Timmy says and I sigh before saying, "Look Timmy, the nun isn't real. She's just a made up character of someone who made a lot of money from making and selling a movie of her."

I turn to leave before he quickly hugs me from behind.

"Please, don't leave me all alone..." He says and I frown before saying, "Then you can come sleep in my room."

I was already tired at this point, I mean, I actually hoped it was some sicko trying to scare him so I could use my mace on them, but it was just an owl.

We walked into my room and I face planted into my pillow before drifting into darkness.

Timmy's POV:
I tried to sleep, but no matter how many times I closed my eyes, I always saw the nun.

It was bad enough Cosmo and Wanda were at FairyWorld because of a fairy event and wouldn't be back for three days.

I frowned and got up from the ground before climbing onto Tina's bed.

'I'm probably gonna regret this...' I thought before shaking Tina again.

"What is it, this time?" She asked, not opening her eyes and I ask, "Can I sleep with you, I'm scared."

I expected her to laugh or tell me I'm being ridiculous or both.

I didn't expect her to get out of bed and grab my hand before pulling me all the way to the kitchen.

"Sit." She said and I did so, watching as she went to the fridge and poured two glasses of milk and went to the cupboard to take a plate of cookies.

"Eat and drink." She said and I did so, her joining me five seconds later.

After finishing, she grabbed my hand and dragged me to her room, this time.

She entered her bed and gestured me to enter as well.

I did so and she instantly pulled me into a hug.

"Now, for the love of purple, sleep." She mumbled and I hugged back with a smile before at last falling asleep.
Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the cute little brotherly sisterly moment and sorry if it was too short! Above is Tina's mace gifted to her by Freddy the first time they met! Goodnight, sleep tight and sweet dreams! Toodles~!

Total words: 744

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