Chapter 1

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Jimin's POV

Jacky's 15 now and she just finished her last day of therapy. She finally back to her normal self. Back before Y/n died

It hurt all of us so much. Hobi, almost became an alcoholic, Tae tried to kill himself.

And everyone locked themselves in their rooms for so long. Jacky was the only reason we were alive. She fed us when we didn't want to eat

She clean when everyone felt like crap

And she felt like crap ever since her mother risked her life to save her and us, 14 years ago.

"Congrats! How does it feel to rid of therapy?" Namjoon asked Jacky at dinner.

"It feels fucking great" she said stretching "swear jar!!" Jin shouted from the other side of the table even though he was in another conversation

We all laughed at him.

Jacky is the spitting image of her mother. There are a few things in her that look like me, I've been told our noses are similar.

And her voice is amazing so that obviously means she got it from me!

Just as these thoughts crossed my mind I saw someone enter the restaurant, I ball cap, sunglasses, and a face mask.

But you can tell by their body that they were a she.

Something about her just seemed so.. familiar. I just couldn't place it, and it really annoyed me. So all I could do was continue to stare at her

But I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard something

"Hey guys. I dont mean to ruin the mood but today marks 4 years" Jungkook spoke up obviously talking about Y/n's death date.

The table fell silent

"The only thing I never understood is, all i ever hear about my mother is the fact she was an amazing, caring, smart, and that she was the person to risk her life for someone else. But whenever someone mentions her name, you guys fall silent like it's a sin to talk about her, to caring on reliving the good time. You act like all that's left is the moment she died"

She had a good point, she always did.

The only day we have the courage to talk about Y/n is her death date every year.

"I guess it's about time we told you about your mother" I sighed leaning forward on the table

"Her father tried to kill her so many times. But she kept trying. She even tried to kill herself a few times. She suffered so much, but she always found time to help someone. And I thought we finally made it out alive when she told
Me she was pregnant. Then we had you and a few months later she got pregnant again and we lost the baby."

"When you were barely a year old her dad found her in our empty house and she ran to the company and found us. But he chased her down. Almost killed Hobi. But she never gave up. She kept fighting. After that she woke up and fell back to sleep. It made her body weak and eventually killed her"

I spoke trying to keep the tears back when another person walked into the shop. I looked around and saw the familiar women sitting at the table next to us but not paying any attention.

I looked at the man that just walked in. Before I was pulled back to my conversation with Jacky.

"Was she happy?" She asked and I gave her a questioning look letting out a confused hum

"Was she happy when she passed?" She asked. "Yes, cause the last thing she saw was her daughter with her best friend" I said with the best smile I could muster

Then I heard a loud bang, I looked over to the man who walked in only seconds earlier. He had a gun in hand aiming it at the cashier.

I gasped and the rest of the boys including Jacky noticed.

We just sat still watching and waiting for something to happen till Jacky quickly reached for my phone that was on the table closest to her hand

She dialed 911. She put the phone to her ear without thinking about the man with a gun.

Yup, spitting image of her mother

And when she started talking that's when things started happening

That's when the last piece of the puzzle was found and fit perfectly

"Hello, this is Jacky and there is a man with a gun in the restaurant." She said giving them the address and ending the call just as the man with the gun turned to us and aimed

He was about to shoot at Jacky when we decided to both stand and soon get tackled to the ground with a quick


before I knew it me and Jacky were on the ground and the rest of the boys joined us at their own will.

I looked up to see that familiar women hovering over me.

Her cap fell off, her sun glasses where right next to my head as her ponytail slowly started coming undone

My eyes widened at the sight and so did hers.

Our eye contact was broken with another loud shot.

This time she got up pulled a gun from a pouch on her hip and aiming it at the man shooting. She shot his leg just as the police got there to put him in cuffs.

"That was a smart thing you did back there Jacky" the women said looking at jacky before running out the door

Me being me.

I ran after her.


I shouted as I slowly gain on her and grabbing her arm.

She turned to me with a slight smile on her face

"Yes? What's the matter Jimin?" She looked me right in the eye when she said it too

I placed a hand on each of her cheeks making sure she doesn't look away

"Why didn't you ever come home?" She fell silent moving my hand and her gaze

"Why? Answer me Y/n"

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