Chapter 11

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I was thrown into a room. Landing on the floor, hard.

I look up and my target. before i knew it he was on top of me with his lips on mine. his hands traveled my body as he bit my bottom lip, making me gasp, so he could slip his tongue in

as his tongue slips into my mouth i bite as hard as i could.. he pulled away, but didnt get off my hips that he was sitting on

"hard to get eh?" he asked whiping away a bit of blood and the side of his mouth before leaning back in. "it's going to be fun to make you suffer" he said as he sliped my dress above my head. i reach up and slap him before reaching my hand down to my side grabbing a small remote in the side of my underwear 

i pressed the button on it as tears steamed down my face. when i press the button its supposed to send my location to Jack and the others

he starts to undress me even more when the door busts open to reveal my team. but i didnt really get the chance to say hi. instead i cower into the corner trying to cover my naked body.

i felt a hand on my shoulder and i jump "get away from me!!" i scream as i sob. taking everything in me to not hurt anyone

"hey Y/n, its me Kent" i heard his voice as he tried hand on my shoulder once again. 

"I SAID DONT TOUCH ME" i yelled again sobbing even more as he removed his hand

i heard him stand up before telling someone i just happen to hear "call Park Jimin, give him our address and tell him his wife is in distress" 

i sat in the corner crying for what felt like forever. before i heard the door open once again. but this time it wasn't any of the officers, instead it was my husbands and beautiful daughter.

my brain was such a mess right now I didn't even know what was right or wrong. but I thank god that my brain was able to recognize my family enough to let Jimin wrap his arms around my frail body.

Jacky got a blanket and put it around my naked body as Jimin calmed me down so I wouldn't pass out from hyperventilation. once I calmed down I just laid there wrapped in the blanket Jacky gave me as I'm also wrapped in Jimin's arms

"its okay, you'll be okay" he whispered into my ear softly. I take a deep breath before whispering "I'm ready to go h-home" he nodded before slipping an arm around my waist and the other arm under my knee's 

he lifted me up as I kept my head buried in his chest as my hands gripped handfuls of his shirt.

he set me down gentle into the car before going around to the drivers side, he started the car after Jacky got in and buckled then we drove away

he held my hand all the way home and for the rest of that night I was babied and pampered like a princess. 

and once Jimin came to bed for the night we cuddled. then I remembered something super important

"Jackson and his wife are coming to see us tomorrow" I said and I felt him jerk in surprise "when did you talk to him?" he asked, I looked up from his chest and looked him in the eye "right before I got to the station this morning" I replied

"oh" he simply said.

"his wife is pregnant" I said with a smile low key proud of my brother finding someone who could put up with his dorkieness.

that night after I fell asleep, I dreamt of the person I lost so long ago... Rose.. she'd be in her 20's by now... man, I wish I was able to show you the good in the world now that I've found it.. I could've told her not every man is like dad

the way we grew up was a way no one should've ever grown up.

the next day a woke up kinda depressed. but I got up and went on with my day anyway

I felt way better then yesterday after the mission

suddenly my phone rang as I was getting ready to head to town. I answered it "hello?" I asked "yeah its Jackson! did you not put me in your contacts?!?" 

"maybe" I said slipping on my shoes

"well anyway, we'll be there in a few hours" 

"okay! that's all I need to make lunch" I said starting my car. we talked for a while till we said our goodbyes cause his plane was getting loud plus I had grocery shopping to do

i walked into the store and got all the suplys i need and started walking to the check out when suddenly a women comes out of no where and we bump into each other. i rub my back as my butt was planted on the ground

i look up at the lady who i hit "I'm so sorry ma'am" i said standing up so i could help her up.

i reached out my hand to the woman who was picking up all the items that were dropped. when she finsihed picking everything up he took my hand and gave me my items back. 

"no I'm sorry" she responded. for some reason her voice sounded like someone's i havent heard in a while. i looked into her eyes and i instantly knew who's yes they were

and it seems like she realizeed who i was as well. 

"i cant belive it..." i whispered as i look at the bruises and cuts on her beautiful young face...

i place my hand on the side of her face as my eyes teared up "who hurt you.." i cut myself off as i embraced her in the warmest hug i could give 

"I'm glad you're alive-"


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