Chapter 15

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Jimin looked at me in shock and Jacky looked at me confused.

"I'm sure you know these people Mr. Lin." I said making sure to give him a glare.

He nodded before turning back to them "I wanted to come here and apologize first, before I went to the police station-"

"To what? Shoot the place up?" Jimin replied with sass

"Considering my background, itd make sense you'd think that, but no... to turn myself in"

"I've caused your family so much pain all these years. I tortured you all, I made it so Jacky did have a mother for all those years. I hurt Jimin physically and mentally by going through his wife. And last of all"

He turned to me taking my hands in his. "I'm sorry, for making you have that miscarriage. Im sorry for almost killing you so many damn times. And I'm sorry for not being there as the father you needed, and most of all. Im sorry for making you think your mother and siblings were dead. I didnt actually have the heart to kill them, so I sent them away. But you guys found each other anyway."

He stops wiping a few of his tears away

"I'm so proud of the woman you've become. Nothing could make me more happy then to see my family blossom again."

"Why?" I asked with tears in my eyes

"Why did you wait so long to turn sane again? After the drinking, murders, pills, drugs. Why now, 33 years later?" I asked letting the tears fall.

"How could you?" I asked yet another question

"I know, I messed up terribly, and i cant apologize enough for all the wrong I've caused, but I'm going to server my time. Then I'll come back, and maybe just maybe officially be apart of your family"

I looked at Jimin and Jacky. Jacky was already in tears, and Jimin was keeping it together while giving my father a stare like you'd give a child who's disobeyed

Jimin let's out a sigh before waving a hand at me, as if to say "it's your call"

"Its easy to forgive, but hard to forget. You'll have to prove that you are on our side. Then you'll have to explain why you went crazy. And then maybe. Just maybe. We'll forgive you" I said giving him a stern look.

Just then a smile lit up his face like I've never seen before.

"As long as there is the smallest chance of us being a family again. I'll take it!" He said and before I knew it I was wrapping in his arms as he held me in a tight embrace.

I was in utter shock. But i hugged back any way.

When he pulled away he reached inside his bag. My body tensed, gun? Knife? Bomb?

Then, he pulled out a full on baby outfit.

"This is an early baby gift to my grandson. I widened my eyes "Mr. Lin it was supposed to be a surprise!!" I said hitting his arm playfully as we giggled.

"Its a boy?!? I'm getting a baby brother?!?!" Jacky asked in excitement. I nodded with a smile as Jimin let out yet another sigh.

After that we said our goodbyes, after dad promised to call us from prison.

If he gets out of prison I don't know what to expect. Or what I'll choose to do. Half of me Hope's he gets life and the other half Hope's i get to see him again. 

i stood there in front of the living room window as i watched him walk towards the police station...

soon i felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and and a head on my shoulder. i knew it was Jimin. "do you think he's telling the truth?" i asked him as he buried his head in my neck. "maybe, but does anyone really know?" i mean he had a point. 

why was he all of the sudden apologizing after 33 years?

i looked up from the baby outfit in hand and looked back out the window, only to see my father gone, he disappeared into the darkness of the world. heading down the right path for the first time in over 30 years. and i couldn't be more proud of him.

"God i hope he was telling the truth." i let out as i let a tear fall thinking back on everything that he's done to me, and everything he's done to make my family stronger.


its been 3 years since that day. my father still hasn't come home. Jacky moved out and is now going to college on the other side of town. Caleb is almost 3.

that night we invited Jacky and the rest of thee boys over for dinner. cause we had something important to tell them, we had Lila fill a balloon with confetti. yes Jackson, Lila and there beautiful baby  boy Malic.

once everyone was around the table and eating and talking at the same time. but we love em anyway.

me and Jimin stand in front of the table with Caleb on one side of me and Jimin on the other. we hold up the balloon with a needle. Jimin held the balloon while me and Caleb hold the needled together and pop the balloon.

everyone stands there in shock as we see pink confetti fill the air.

"IT'S A GIRL!!" we yell, that night was filled with presents for our unborn and congratulations.

but just as the night was about to end we heard the door bell ring, i waddled over to get it, hey. being 6 months pregnant is hard!

once i opened the door i suddenly realize that I've been in this situation before

"Mr. Lin?" i asked and he nodded. "surprise, i got out sooner for good behavior,  but they're still keeping an eye on me" he said. i literally almost cried at the sight of him. 

"so about what you said before i left-" i cut him off

"come in, the rest of our family is in the kitchen dad" 

"that's the first time you've called me dad..!"

"yeah.. you better get used to it"

Happily Ever After

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