Chapter 2

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Why is she here? Why did she never come home? Why didnt she let us know that she's alive?

"All these years we've been suffering cause we thought you'd never come home, but now you're standing right here trying to brush off the fact that you still alive, why didnt you ever come home Y/n?"

She looked away, she refused to look me in the eye anymore.

"I didnt have a chioce" she whispered and I raised and eyebrow "what do you mean?"

"I mean I tried really hard its just that Kent wouldn't let me" she said crossing her arms with a pout. Dang why does she have to be so cute in a serious moment

"Who's Kent?"

"My boss"

I probably had the most confused look on my face before she looked behind me.

"Come with me, my squads outside" she let out a sigh "I guess I have some explaining to do" we all nodded and followed her outside where we saw 3 cop cars and an ambulance

I see the man from earlier being loaded into a car swearing that had be back and that his friends will make us pay and all that

We made it to one of the cars, there was a man in front of it, Y/n went and tapped his shoulder

He turned around before looking at us and lifting a curious eyebrow

"Kent meet my family" she said gesturing to us, his eyes widened as big as golf balls

"I told you not to go near your family if you didnt want them to get hurt" he said with a stern look as I gulped

"Well excuse me, he was going to shoot them, I save them and apprehended the criminal. Plus a dead body would look terrible on your record mister head of homeland security"

He let out a growl before letting of a sigh along with a sigh "fine, I guess there's no use hiding secrets anymore."

We sat down on the curb of the road. We all looked at him waiting for him or Y/n to speak, to tell us something


"Okay, so 14 years ago, our best secret agent just dropped out of a case and the whole company last moment. We were looking for his replacement when we came across Y/ns records and her file and figured she had the best chance, an even better chance then the man before. But when we found out she was sick we had our best doctors on the case day and night till we found a cure, she almost didnt make it but she did."

"She accepted the job but she took ever chance she could to try and sneak away to see you guys. But she never got far. 2 years ago she went over cover to take down a terrorist group, she just got back 2 days ago, she kept asking me over and over to try and be there for her daughters birthday but I couldn't let her, she still had to be undercover till we caught this guy who'd been planning this whole thing"

Our mouths dropped

I turned to Y/n who was sitting next to me. She gave me a week smile with a few tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

I pulled her in for a hug and just wrapped her in my embrace never wanting to let her out of my sight again.

"I missed you so much" I say letting my tears fall to soon hear her let out a few soft sobs into my chest. "I missed you more" she says with a breathy laugh

I let a smile appear on my lips as I felt several pairs of arms wrap around us

"Never leave us again" Yoongi said trying tnot to give away the fact he to was crying

"Yeah we're never letting you out of our sight" Jin said with a playful smile.

At this point there wasnt someone in our group that wasnt crying

"Welcome home mom" Jacky said with the biggest smile I've ever seen on her face since she came back from the hospital when she was 11

Jack's whole life she's been bullied for the way her mother died everyone kept saying she was to dumb or not heroic enough

Or that it was her fualt for trying to always be the hero In every story book

But now she can go back to school and tell them that her mother is alive and helped the government take down a terrorist group

Now that's something you cant say every day

But I'm proud of Y/n and Jacky, they're both so brave and beautiful, I'm so lucky to have them both

We just stayed hugging for away unsure if we let go she might disappear again

Soon we were pulled away from our group hug weather we liked it our not by Kent's voice

"Okay, stop with the sappy crap.. I could probably arrange for you to stay with your family from now on. But you better not let me down Y/n"

Y/n scoffed "have I ever let you down?" She asked and Kent sighed "no, no you havent" she smiled at his reply

After that he left to go do his job and Y/n stayed with us, telling us storys about her adventures and the moments where she was able to sike out Kent

It fell into silence till we heard sobbing, we all turn our heads to see Tae and Jimin crying.

"What's the matter?" Y/n asked taking a seat in front of him and softly holding his hands

"I never thought I'd get you back"  he cried, once Y/n heard that she pulled him in for a hug

"I know, I caused you guys so much pain and suffering, I should've never left without telling you, but I'm here now, fate has brought us back together and God so help me I'm never letting you guys go again-" she paused

"You guys are my family after all"

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