the teammate

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.........amoi's pov......

"Do you not like that?

Or do you just not like me?!

Sorry i don't treat you like a goddess,

Is that what you want me to do?

Sorry i don't treat you like your PERFECT,

Hm hm hm,

I'm just your problem*2,

Well , i shouldn't have to justify what i do,

I shouldn't have to prove anything to you,

But i shouldn't have to be the one that makes up with you,so,

Why do I want to?

Why do what to."i sang in the rain.

Yup i'm singing to adventure time in the rain ....PROBLEMO! NO,than might be wondering how i know adventure time well...

whlie i was wacthing spongebob in the middle of the night i change the channel and saw ...what was!'cartoon network' than AT came on.

So yah i'm listening to youtube on aprils's ipod touch ...did i forget to mention that i took that too and a pair of earphones?

It was pretty easy to carry since i have MY.......


It's amazing~ it can fit everything and still look pretty empty and is very light!

DID i tell you that it is so spacious that you can go sky diving in there?well you can!

is that okay?
(yup thats enough advertising thanks)
no problem

Anyway since i'm as big as cat maybe smaller i just 'double loop' it around my body and place it on my back.

I look at an alley i just past by and heard something with my sensitive ears...maybe it was just my imagination.

I hear it again.

"hello? any body there?" i said.


"who's there!"i demanded , i went to the direction of the sound which is to my right.

I walked closer ....closer .....closer and saw a little female cat.

"p-please do'nt hurt m-me mister i i i do'nt have anything on my i p-promise "she said.

She was a little smaller than me probally by a year or two.She had yellow coloured fur with some white patches and dim forest green eyes.

My heart almost dropped when she flinched at my hand."you don't have to be scared of me...i just wanna help you"i said.

"r-really ......thank name is sherbert...if it's not to much troble...what's yours?"she asked while i was bandage-ing her paw that was bleeding a little.

"my name is amoi, what are you doing in an alley sherbert?" i asked.

"i-i have no where to go. All the other animals keep beating my up ,so i'm ugly and no human would take care of me"she told me.


"that's terrible but i don't get one thing"i said.


'why won't humans want to take care of you? your beautiful"i said.

While i was saying that the rain was getting a little heavier so put a dispossibal raincoat over both of us.When i looked to my left sherbert's face was full out red.

"wow do you have a fever or something cause your face is red like a tomato"i said and she turned a darker colour of red.

"I-i'm okay"she said then just got little red.

what was that about?
(oh sweet sweet young and naive amoi)
(*eye roll*she is blushing)
oh,what's that?
('ll learn when your older)

"hey sherbert .. i really have to go now, but i hope i see you soon" i say while walking in the drizzle-ing rain.

"wait can i come with you?" she asked.

"Are you sure? I'm going to be in dangerous situations and fighting might get hurt"i tried to reason.

"NOPE i have made up my mind , i am following you"she demanded.

Well that was hopeless.-_-

Hey can you give me a book for dealing with girls?
(You have to handle that your self)

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