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I was walking down an alley in New York City . Wait....let me tell you my life before I came here.

Hi,I'm amoi a young male wolf creature. I'm 12....I guess.i used to live in japan before my family separated.I'v been fight my own battle of survival form then.

That's how I got my scars , we'll not exactly that's a different story. And since I'm a wolf creature I can't talked but I'm still smart , so Don't you dare underestimate the young .

Well.....I was walking down an alley in New York City , when I herd a blaster shot . I ran to the sound and found weird robot alien things fighting...four mutant turtles ?.

They looked young about fifteen tops,they had different colour masks ; Blue,red,purple and orange. One of them was flying to me but hit the wall .

I hid in the shadow quivering in fear he had weapons on him who wouldn't be scared of that?

He opened his eyes and stared at me for a while . He tried to pick me up till another turtle called him. I'm guessing that's his brother . "Wait a sec leo!!" He shouted .

When he wasn't looking I ran away from him, he looked heart broken from where I was . He ran back to his brothers to fight the Robot alien things.

I ran to my 'home'. I don't have a home so I'm living on the roof top . It's not much but it's good one in a while stranger would give me a bone . It's Been a really weird night so I think a nap is in order .

I can't shake the felling that I'm being watched , I'm still not sure why I'm talking to my self . I just need to know what's the meaning of those words that my brother said before he left.

************flash back************

It was a sunny day in japan , sun rising birds chirping and the wind blew not to cold yet not to hot.

Yah.....the perfect day to explore japan . I was walking till some thing jumped on me . It was my brother ; mika but I call him Mikey and he calls me A .

He was a good bother , he will protect me when I'm in danger , care about me when I'm sad and I loved to play with me. We usually play hide and seek with my other siblings ; Mikiko and neon .

I loved my siblings cause they were here for me and I'm there for them . Till IT happened ....

We all were finding food in the dumpsters and trash bins . Finally we found a trash bin filled with food and brought it home .

But suddenly I was attacked my siblings try to fight him but he had a knife . That's when he cut me a few times. My sibling jumped on the guy and he fell uncouncios .

"Amoi .....I need to tell you something" my sister said ."sure what is it ?" I think you've become a target to people in japan .... so i think you....should..go to New York" tears were streaming down all our faces .

I tought for a while and remember what i'v been through "I..think it's the only thing I can do"I said my voice cracking . "We'll miss you" they said together .

They pulled me into a bear hug before I left ."A.... before you leave . Remember this two things 1-when you meet the most purist of heart , you will open to speak and 2-you're the best wolf bro I'll ever have " mika said " I'll miss you guys.......bye" I said before I got on the plane wing.

I didn't understand what mika but I'll figure it out ."we'll miss you too!!" The shouted before I took off.

*************end of flash back************

//sorry I'll try to make the chapters better //please don't hate cause I'm using an iPad no computer :P//

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