Revisiting the Past

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     Yoongi ruffled his hair as he stood in the mirror. Abby had already made her way back to her apartment, so Yoongi could get ready for his meeting with Eunji. Yoongi replayed as he the past few days in his head, and wondered how so much happened to the once content best friends, as he looked at his thin frame.

     Yoongi was dragged from his thoughts when he heard his phone ding on his bedside table.

Ma Girl
Have fun Yoongs u deserve it :) let's do something when you come back

Thanks Abby and yeah I'll come over and we can play a lil Mario Kart
or something (even tho u suck)

Ma Girl
I suck? We both know u r absolute t r a s h

Yeah yeah whatever helps you sleep at night fool
Well imma ttyl let's hope this doesn't suck

Ma Girl
Ttyl ;)
Oh wait what the frick that wasn't supposed to wink
Whatever I'm leaving it


You can't really change it anyway but ok ;)

     Yoongi finished getting ready then went to meet Eunji at Ossu Seiromushi. He walked in, and immediately locked eyes with his old friend. She was sporting a bright yellow t-shirt tucked into a checkered skirt, and a wide smile. Yoongi made his way to the table the girl was occupying and hesitantly sat down.

     "Hey Eunji, how've you been?" He questioned.

     "Honestly I've been good Yoongs," she stated.

     Yoongi's throat became dry as he heard the nickname leave her mouth. Eunji had never called him that until now, and it seemed that if Abby wasn't the one saying it, it shouldn't be said.

     Yoongi cleared his throat before interrupting the girl. "Don't call me that please."

     "O-oh sorry Yoongi, just an old habit I guess," she lied.

     "Yeah, sure. Ok so um it's nice to see you again and everything, but why did you want to meet up? Are you staying in Seoul now?" Yoongi inquired.

     "I wasn't planning on staying here to be honest," Eunji began. "I just came to see some friends, but never expected to see you again. Who knows maybe I'll stay, we haven't see each other in years, and we used to be attached at the hip!"

     "Yeah, but we were kids back then Eunji. You can't expect everything just to go back to how it was years ago," Yoongi stated.

     "It's only been like three years, that's not that long. We used to be best friends Yoongs, there's no way that can just go away. We have a bond!"

     "Ok um Eunji listen. There is a very low chance of us being best friends again. We both grew up, got our own lives, and just changed. And that bond you were talking about. It's weak as hell, I mean if it's even existent. If you really want to, we can try to be friends again, but don't expect me to be the same old Yoongi. I'm not."

     "Ok well we should try anyway. For old times sake!" Exclaimed Eunji.

     "Sure we can try again," Yoongi agreed.

     "Great! Well let's order," said Eunji before calling over a waitress.


     After lunch, Eunji walked Yoongi back to his apartment. She wanted to hang out a little longer, so she plopped down on the couch alongside Yoogi. They continued to reminisce, and laugh about their past. Discussing things like Yoongi's rebellious phase, and Eunji's boyband phase that apparently never quite ended.

     Yoongi decided to text Abby, telling her he made it home safe.


Hey fool, just wanted you to know that I
made it home safe and you can come over whenever.. Eunji is here tho

Ma Girl
Thanks um I might stop by,
but I dunno.. I don't think
Eunji likes me very much hehe


Oh well I'll come over to yours once
she leaves and we can play that game
of Mario Kart you promised

Ma Girl
Sure Yoongs see u later


See ya ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2019 ⏰

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