Chapter 1

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Amber's POV
"mum! I found this! Who are these boys?!" I asked rushing over to my mother with a photo file in my hands "hmm. Old friends maybe. Not sure. Sorry hon" I glared at her "but they look like me! Why do they look like me?!" my mother once again shook her head and shrugged. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and threw the photo file onto the sofa "I'm going out!"

I slammed the door shut and pulled my hood up before storming off. As I was walking across the road I heard a loud beeping noise. I turned my head and my eyes widened "watch out!" someone yelled. Suddenly my arm was ripped backwards and I fell to the floor crying out in pain "I'm so sorry! I had to do that otherwise you would have been run over!" the man exclaimed kneeling down "i-it's fine. You didn't mean it! Thank you though." I said. The man smiled and looked tawards my shoulder nervously "I think you dislocated your shoulder... I'm Jay by the way. I work for Chicago pd... I have a brother who works in the hospital who will help you" I nodded and jay helped me stand up.

"I need some help over here!" Jay called out. I watched as a doctor ran over "Jay what happened?" Jay began answering the doctor and I looked around confused "I had to pull her out of the road and I dislocated her shoulder-" I cut Jay off "it wasn't his fault though! I promise! It's barely anything! I can just go home" I said as I tried to pull away from the doctors hold but he just held onto me tighter "no miss I can't let you go. You've hurt your arm badly" I sighed "fine..." Jay smiled at me and I nodded at him before allowing the doctor to help me to a room "ok... What's your name?" he asked as he began checking my eyes "Amber" I mumbled "last name?" he asked clicking the torch off "Halstead" he rose an eyebrow before putting his torch in his pocket "cool. We both have the same last name" I chuckled "fun" he smiled "I'm doctor Halstead but you can just call me will" I nodded "ok... Will" he smiled and began checking other things "ok... My friend Dr rhodes will be here soon to help your shoulder" I nodded and smiled "thanks" I said before leaning back and closing my eyes. "if you need anything give me a shout" will said drawing the curtain smiling at me. I nodded and smiled.

"Amber? Amber Halstead correct" I looked up and nodded smiling at the doctor who was slipping on his gloves "I'm Dr rhodes and I will be helping you out" I nodded and smiled. "ok just sit up for me" I obliged and he placed his hand on my back and began pressing down slightly "no abnormalities... That's good. I'm just going to check your lungs. Dr Halstead told me about what happened so I want to just make sure nothing else is happening" I nodded "you do your thing doctor" he smiled at me before taking his stethoscope off of his neck and he began checking "hm... That's a bit odd. Halstead get in here! April get me a cat scan!" he ordered. "what is wrong?" I asked nervously "I think you may have some fluid in your lungs but I'm not sure yet" I nodded nervously. Will walked in and looked at me concerned "what's wrong rhodes?" Connor sighed "she may have fluids in her lungs" the bed was laid down and I watched as the doctors walked out and the nurses began setting the cat scan up.

"fortunately there is no liquid in your lungs" I sighed in relief and smiled "now... Your shoulder" I looked at will nervously and he smiled "Dr rhodes will be gentle" Dr rhodes smiled and nodded "I'm here to help patients not hurt them intentionally" Connor said rolling his eyes. "ok deep breath for me" I took a deep breath and Connor began rolling my shoulder backwards slightly. My eyes widened and I gripped onto his arm tightly "sats are dropping!" will exclaimed. "it's fine. Amber you need to breathe. Deep breath in then out then in then out. Repeat" I did as he said and will held my other hand. I heard a click and I cried out in pain "there we go. All done" I sighed in relief and laid back breathing heavily. "I'll be back to check on you soon" I nodded and smiled at Connor. As will stood up and went to leave I gripped onto his arm. He turned around "please stay" he smiled "I wish I could but I've got to get on with work. You'll be discharged soon then you can go to your family" I shook my head at will's comment and he looked at me confused before taking a seat next to me. "my family isn't real... Its obvious. I have photo files I found this morning and it has two boys in the photo as well as me and we all look similar. I know it isn't any of my friends because I never had guy friends as no one liked me" will looked at me sympathetically "I'm sure it's just your thoughts getting ahead of you." will said as he went to walk out but he turned around and smiled at me "also... I'll be your friend."

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