Chapter 2

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Amber's POV
"so you're not my real mother?!" I yelled as I stormed off angrily "no Amber! That's not what I'm saying sweetheart!" I glared at her and sat on the sofa "explain yourself then" I said angrily. "they're your friends. I promise.... You don't remember them because you had a head trauma when you were younger" I rolled my eyes "then why didn't you tell me that sooner?!" she sighed and shrugged "forgot" I rolled my eyes "unbelievable" I muttered before pushing myself off of the sofa and I ran upstairs. "Amber! Please cmon! Don't be like this!!!" I ignored her and slammed my door shut.

I typed rapidly at my computer until I found an article from 2010. I clicked on it and decided to read through it.

Allegedly a mother of three dropped her five year old daughter on her head 'by accident' police tell us that her daughter, Amber suffered no head injuries except a slight problem with eyesight which has been fixed now. Her two brothers will and jay were apparently shocked at their mother's actions. The mother then allegedly sent her two sons to live in Chicago with their father, Greg Halstead. The two sons appeared on the news a few years later and apparently they said they had no idea who their mother was.

I stared shocked at the report. I couldn't believe my mother would do this. Send my two brothers away to Chicago then move me to Chicago where my dad and two brothers live. It's honestly unbelievable! I began searching up more things until I found a page on will Halsted

Will Halstead allegedly called his mother butterfly as his mother had always attracted butterflies

I bit my lip and sighed before closing my laptop and standing up. I slowly walked downstairs and found my mother drinking a can of beer "hey... Butterfly" I said leaning against the doorframe. My mums head shot up and she stared at me shocked "W-what?" I slowly walked tawards her "I know what you did. Does will and jay Halstead ring a bell?" I asked turning the TV off. "honey I don't know what you're talking about" I glared at her "oh but... You're lying. Why did you allegedly drop me on my head? Or send my two brothers to Chicago to live with the father I didn't even know I had!!! You have failed" she looked up and stuttered nervously "I have failed what?" she asked confused "well... Let's start... You have failed me, my concealed father, my brothers and yourself! Your a disgusting excuse for a mother!" she looked shocked for a second and I gritted my teeth "I need you to come clean to will and jay today... Or this week. If you don't then I will"

"go on. He's right there" I muttered. My mother looked tawards will and I rolled my eyes. "hey Dr Halstead!" I called. He turned around and waved at me before looking tawards my mother. I saw a look of recognition wash over his face and he slowly walked tawards us. As he stood in front of my mother I could see the different emotions he could feel washing through his brain. "will. This is my mother. Your mother" he looked shocked for a second before grabbing my arm and pulling me to a break room "so you're telling me she is my mother?!" I nodded slowly "yep... Unfortunately" he looked at me with a confused look before throwing his hands up "I don't know what to believe" I sighed "either believe butterfly or believe me" he froze when I said butterfly "h-how?" he asked taken a back. "I looked up on the Internet things that happened ages ago. I was five when my mother dropped me on my head then she sent you and jay to Chicago with you- our dad" will looked me over before shaking his head "it's not true. I'm sorry but no" my eyes widened in shock "what? Will its obvious! I'm 14 and I'm your sister!" I exclaimed. "I want you to go to Chicago pd and get a blood test a lie detector test and an interrogation so I can full believe you!" I glared at him "it's blatantly obvious... Ginger!" as he was about to leave he turned around "what?" he asked looking bewildered "ginger?" he shook his head before rushing out of the door. I opened the door before walking back over to my mother "well?" I sighed "didn't believe it" I said shrugging "told you-" I cut her off "you told me nothing! You're just a lying bit-" I cut myself off by biting my lip and turning away. "I've gotta go to Chicago pd. He wants me to get a blood test" she snorted and rolled her eyes "well they're all looking at you so maybe we should get going" I looked over to will and saw him talking to his doctor friends. I rolled my eyes. This is so unbelievable!

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