Chapter 1

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    Izuku was walking home with his best friend kacchan when he hears rustling in the alleyway. He taps Kacchans shoulders and points to the alley "Kacchan I think I heard something in that alley.." Izuku informs Kacchan and he chuckles "Oh there's nothing to be afraid of Deku its probably just a racoon or so something" Kacchan replies and keeps walking. As they walk they hear it again but when they turn around Izuku gets grabbed from behind by a dark figure "Put him down!" Kacchan yells but gets sacked in the head by the figure "KACCHAN!" Izuku screams and receives I punch in the head by the figure.
   Izuku wakes up in a tube and tiny tubes connecting to the tank like thing he is in. He loo!s around and sees a man with a hand over his face walk up to him "What should we call you?..." The figure asks and suddenly a man with purple,burnt like skin, connected to the regular skin with stitches walk into the room. "How about Shadow?" The man asked and the hand face nodded "Sounds  nice what so you think?" The man asked Izuku and he just backed away. "Awww come on dont you like us?" The man asked and received a shake of the head from Izuku "Well we'll teach you what its like to be here with us" the man told him and laughed.
10 years later
   Deku walked around his cell like room sharpening his claws. He turned into a dragon like creature a few years ago and the Villian's seemed to keep him healthy with it. He remembered that when he would behave they would play fetch with him in his Dragon form and he would always bring the stick back. But then 2 years ago he snapped and tried attaking one of the Villian's ever since then he was kept in here, alone, tired, bored, sad, but those thoughts soon vanished when he heard an explosion outside and backed away. Dabi ran into his room and told Deku to follow him but was soon interrupted by the sound of a punch behind The man his old hero All Might came in and told him to follow him that he would protect him. "If I leave they'll find me..." Deku told all mightt and heard more footsteps to reveal Aizawa and Present Mic and got even more scared. "We will not hurt you we want to help you and bring you to a place so you can make friends and become a hero." Aizawa said and Deku softened a bit and walked towards them.
2 hours later
   Deku arrived at a police station where they interviewed him and made sure that he was stable enough to go to UA and sure enough he was. Aizawa and All might helped him get all the things he needs to go to UA they told him that he didn't need or have to wear the uniform because they knew it reminded him of the suit he was forced to have on in the Villian's base. Once they got everything Aizawa walked Izuku to their class, deku took a deep breath and walked inside revealing a boy with bubble like purple hair, a blue haired teen, a pink girl with white hair, a girl with brown short hair, a kid with spikey red hair, and invisible girl, a girl with headphone like ears, and... Kacchan? He walked up to kacchan and softly spoke his name "Kacchan is that really you?" Deku asked in disbelief and kacchan looked up "DEKU?! I THOUGHT THAT THAT DIPSHIT KILLED YOU! I LOOKED EVERYWHERE FOR YOU! WHERE WERE YOU?!" Kaccha yelled/cried and hugged his childhood friend "I've been a little busy with some Villians and torture from them." Deku told Kacchan and looked at his surprised face "When did you get so tall?! Your taller than me! Also when did you get the tail?" Kacchan asked and deku laughed "its my quirk I am part dragon also im so tall CUZ of the experiments they did to me..." Deku whispered the last part and received a cough from behind him...
Looks like deku has ALOT to catch up on! Also sorry if the chapter was confusing on Wensday June 15 2019 imma be leaving to Washington DC for 3 days so I won't be on for awhile he he... Why did I pay 380$ for that trip?! Also its a school trip soooooooo bleh... Imma go cry in the corner now...

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