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"In Winterfell"

it had been 5 years since that great Battle within a year Sansa had managed to rebuild Winterfell Finally peace was brought among the Northern yet she still worried about the others. Tyrion and Brienne had helped with structure and with training the men yet her thoughts about Daenerys and Jon lingered they had written often the children were grown up now yet she wanted to see them but she couldn't leave the North.

Tyrion had entered the room "my Lady are you alright?" she nodded she missed Jon and Daenerys and wondered how they were doing "have you heard from them since then?" Tyrion knew she missed them a great deal because about two days ago the letters stopped coming and wondered if they were in danger "last I heard she and Jon were in Essos on business and the Children were being tended by Davos their safe my lady" she was glad but it frustrated her she knew that Dany and Jon were busy but why had the letters stopped "I know their busy but couldn't they at least keep in touch with me" Tyrion was irritated "your grace they are Queen and King they have duties and alliances to attend to not mention their children they send a letter when they have a chance be patient Sansa" she smiled and hoped they were doing okay

Brienne was in the stables training Podrick and other recruits everything seemed normal it was weird yet it felt good Podrick was getting stronger "your getting better Pod soon you'll be a knight" he was out of breathe but adjusted firmly "no one could have predicted you would be Lady of the Warden" Brienne smiled with glee she knew Daenerys had made all of this possible she was the one true hero despite everything she went through at least she was safe and happy she was a mother now and a wife and a Queen of Bravos she was loved by the people it made her happy she was proud of both her and Jon's success she wished she heard them more often but understood Duty came before love Pod was curious "how are they doing?" she nodded in agreement "last I heard she and Jon were heading to Essos on Business Rhaella had music concert to attend to and Ned had became a Knight I know hard to believe the family is busy" Pod was happy for them.

Sam and Gilly were at home taking care of their kids Sam had been brooding as usually he had not heard from Jon in over a week he  was starting to get worried and wanted to know if he should sent a message or not Gilly noticed "staring at the paper won't due you any good Sam" Sam was aware of this he didn't know what do in this situation "I should have heard from them by now especially Jon" Gilly looked at him seriously "Sam he and the Queen are very busy now their not like us they have responsibilities now and duties now the world doesn't stop for them not to mention they have a daughter and Son to think about" he nodded Gilly had reassured him she would hear from them soon to just give it time but how much time.

Lord Manderly and Lord Glover had come in the great hall with news from beyond the wall it was not good news "Your grace we have trouble" Sansa listened carefully both of them had seen the army of the dead and the night king was near Winterfell this was not good with Daenerys and Jon occupy in Bravos Arya and Gendry west of Westeros they didn't have enough men to defend the North they need help and fast Tyrion spoke up first "we need to sent a Raven one to Bravos and two to Essos The king and Queen need to be told what's happening in the north" Sansa was reluctantly at first "Tyrion even if we could they have their hands full" Tyrion disagreed "if anyone can help it's Daenerys" she agreed this was too important "send the Raven and send one to my sister Arya she needs to come right away" the messengers had sent the Raven and hoped it had reach them in time.

"In Bravos" 

Daenerys was exhausted the meeting in Essos was brutal but they had discussed a treaty for Essos so their would be peace Jon didn't want to leave Rhaella ever again Davos had come in a hurry "Jon my Queen a message sent from the North just came in you need to read this" Dany sat down and read she couldn't believe what she was reading "their in trouble Jon" Jon knew that but he couldn't put Rhaella in danger and Ned was still learning and training as a skilled knight "Dany what about the children?" Dany was worried too but they were of age "Rhaella is almost 16 and Ned is what 14 their old enough to fight we have to go to Winterfell they need our help" Jon agreed but the Unsullied was in Naarth and the Dothraki were in the Vale Davos had spoke up "I'll send a message to Naarth for Grey Worm to meet you in Winterfell" Dany "good in the meantime Jon and I will travel to dosh near the Vale and brink the Dothraki back to white Harbor looks like were heading back to Winterfell.

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