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"In the Dinning Hall"

Everyone was in the dinning room eating and drinking Daenerys and Jon were watching their children Ned and Rhaella Jon and Dany were happy but they had not told the others what Kinvara had done she had given back their life so they could live again they were happy everyone was laughing and dancing Jon wanted to get these festivities over with so he could be alone with his wife tonight but he was just delaying the news which he knew once this was over he and his family would return to Bravos and this time for good since they had been gone there had been corruption within the people Dany and Jon needed to return as soon as possible.

Sansa was watching as her people danced and drank this had been a victory itself she needed to thank Daenerys as soon as the celebration were over this was a new era for all of their people she saw Jon talking to Daenerys there was a time she didn't approve of them being together but now that had changed she smiled at them and their children she knew one day Rhaella would be Queen like her mother and Ned would be king but none of that matter now they have a long way before that happens.

Davos had approached Jon and Daenerys with a message from a Raven Daenerys took the message and was upset it seemed Bravos was in trouble they had stayed long enough they would leave first thing in the morning but how could they leave Sansa and Arya for good "Is this accurate Ser Davos?" Daenerys suddenly ask he nodded "it is my Queen Bravos is in trouble we must depart as soon as possible the people need its Queen and King" Sansa had come abruptly interrupting their conversation "your going to leave?" Davos excused himself and return to celebration Daenerys and Jon pulled Sansa and Arya aside into their chambers so they could talk more private their Rhaella and Ned joined them sensing something was not quite right.

Rhaella and Ned were concerned for their parents something was wrong and they worried "Mother what is it?" Daenerys looked at her daughter "a message from Bravos" Ned looked at the message and knew it was trouble "when did this happen?" Jon looked at his two children "about a few days ago Bravos is in trouble we must return as soon as possible" Arya was in shocked but knew it was their duty "For how long?" Jon looked at Daenerys who nodded "indefinitely" Sansa was freaking out "but this your home and the North needs both of you" Daenerys calmed Sansa down "and were grateful for your support but Sansa Jon and I are getting older one day we won't be here and it'll be up to Rhaella and Ned to continue our legacy we have to see to their future our people are in trouble we cannot abandon them now we must go back"  Sansa wiped her tears away "I love both you know how am I suppose to go on without you?" They both looked at her "we'll always be with you forever" Arya hugged her niece and nephew and turned to Daenerys "Anything you need" Dany smiled at Arya "I'll be sure to call you" she hugged her Sansa cleared her throat "I'll prepare a ship for your departure but what of the others?" Daenerys answered "Grey Worm and Missandei are going to take a ship and travel Naarth and Tyrion has decided to remain here to help you with my permission of course" Sansa nodded Jon looked at his daughter and son "Rhaella, Ned go and pack your things say your goodbyes while you can we leave first thing in the morning" both nodded "Yes Father" Jon held Daenerys hand and smiled as they departed.

Soon the celebration began to end Arya, Gentry, Brianne, Tormund, and Davos helped to clean up it seems the North had a good time Tyrion came to pitch in and help most did the dishes and the others helped clean the tables Arya had a sad look on her face the North knew the King and Queen would be departing in the morning they respected them for wanting to defend their home in Bravos "at least their not dying anymore" Arya said breaking the silence Tyrion knew the gods wouldn't let them down again "yeah I heard Kinvara healed them giving them another chance to live" Brianne looked at both of them "do their kids know what happened?" they both nodded "yeah they sat them down earlier before the celebration and told them what happened the kids seem relieved that their alive" Gendry smiled at Arya "it won't be the same without them around" Tormund "I can respect the Dragon Queen and King Aegon I watched as they fought in battle but at least now the storm has ended for now" Davos sighed "lets hope their won't be anymore wars they now need to focus on their kids, each other,  and their home I wish I could stay here but the King and Queen need me" they all understood they had finished and cleaning up and decided to call it a night and exited the kitchen hall.

Late that night Daenerys had tucked in her daughter and son exited their rooms as they slept and returned to her room she was reading a message from Queen Yara of the Iron Islands who had received a disturbing message that concerned her it was about Bravos their were raids and was destruction it was getting worse Yara would meet here in Bravos to hold line but for how much longer they need to leave soon Jon was concerned with her "bad news?" Dany nodded "message from Yara the raids and mass destruction started about a week ago Yara is trying to contain it but she can't hold out much longer Jon we need to return soon so we can keep the peace for the balance of the power" Jon agreed he massaged her shoulders Daenerys finished with the reports and decided to go to sleep they climbed into bed he held onto her "we need to write a declaration so if something happens to us in the future someone will need to take the crown as Queen and King" Dany agreed "the person who will break the wheel after were gone will be our daughter and son" Jon nodded "we'll take care of that when we get home tomorrow" they quickly fell asleep it was going to be a long Journey tomorrow they couldn't wait to return home.  

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