Battle of Winterfell

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"In Winterfell" 

The day of the Battle of the dead had finally arrived Jon and Daenerys were waiting on top of the mountain top they had a plan to wait for the night King and then they would strike everything that was among them they had prepared the Northern men were ready for battle her unsullied had arrived just in time and the Dothraki were ready Drogon and Rhaegal would remain with them until the time was right the bells were ringing.

Jon's friend Sam was nervous as hell he would be facing a white walker and wasn't found of it Daenerys Son Ned was out on the battle field "Move!" he instructed Sam they stood in front of Winterfell both were anxious and nervous Rhaella watched from the walls and prayed her brother would survive the battle this was the first time she would see her brother battle in a great battle just like her parents fought in the last war against the Tyrants this time it was for the greater good.

Silence was among them until Melisandre approached the Dothraki she chanted a spell and set their blades on fire Daenerys and Jon were amazed by her powers the guard opened the gates for her Davos had approached her "Red Priestess" she nodded "don't worry Davos I'll be dead before the night" she proceeded silence was among them then suddenly the white walkers approached outside the gates of Winterfell the leader of the Dothraki gave their men an order and charged towards with their lit swords within moments Daenerys saw how the lights slowly disappeared and only a few Dothraki made it back alive she was about to go to her Dragon when Jon grabbed her arm and looked at her "The Night King is coming " she pulled his arm away "The dead are already here" they departed on their Dragons.

Arya, Sansa, and Rhaella were on top of the Castle watching the battle at hands both were nervous Grey Worm placed his helmet on his head and spoke to his men in valerian language ordering them to hold the gates the white walkers charged at them some were slaughter Tormund yelled and had his people charge at the army of the dead on the other side Brienne and Podrick stood with the Northern Soldiers Brienne yelled "Stand your ground!" as the dead came at them some were being overrun Podrick saved Brienne when he looked up he saw dragon's fire breath poured against the whites Jon and Daenerys were on Dragon and Rhageal fighting the Army of the dead.

On the Battlements Arya looked at Sansa with encouragement "get down in the crypts" Sansa was confused "I'm not abandoning my people" Rhaella looked at Aunt Sansa "we have to for our safety don't worry Mother and Father can take care of themselves" Arya handed a weapon to Rhaella "take this and go" Rhaella was surprised "I don't know how to use it" Arya stood proud "stick it with the pointy ends" Rhaella and Sansa along with Tyrion went down towards the crypt  Arya looked on at the Battlefield she ready herself in case she needed to fight Daenerys and Jon spotted the Night King "Jon!" Jon nodded they flew their dragons up towards the sky.

It was hard for Dany and Jon to see the gust of wind made it harder they held on as long as they could it was proven more difficult and then they encountered Viserys the Ice Dragon fighting him was not easy both dragons were fighting him Daenerys could hardly breathe as could Jon it was proving to be most difficult the dragon within an instant attacked Rahgeal knocking Jon off him Jon drew his sword barely survive Daenerys still on Drogon saw the Knight King and knew what had to be done she called the words "Dracarys!" burning the Knight King she thought it had worked they were both surprised when it didn't suddenly she fell off Drogon which he and Rahgeal had to retreat to fight the walkers that were attacking them Daenerys fell on the snow seeing the dead come back to life one was about to kill her when Jon stepped in saving her life he quickly grabbed her and looked around "this isn't going to be easy" he drew his sword LongClaw Daenerys was behind him against his back "no one said it was going to be" she drew her Ancestors sword  Dark Sisters they held each others hands "for our children!" they charged against the white walkers.

"In the Crypts under Winterfell" 

The Women and children gathered they were quiet but scared Missandei, along with Tyrion and Daenerys daughter was there they had to wait until the battle was over Rhaella was praying quietly she had her mother's ring signet on and her father's signet necklace on both interwind together as one Sansa saw it a Stark and a Targaryen fighting together but she knew it wouldn't last she wanted to tell her about her parents ailment but it was not up to her but for them to tell them she hated that Jon and Daenerys were both going to die it was only a matter of time Sansa Sat with Tyrion "I should be out there fighting" Sansa shook her head "you would only be in the way" Sansa said sadly "I worry about her" Tyrion looked at Rhaella "the Queen and Kings daughter she'll be fine she'll see her parents when this is over" Sansa shook her head and whispered "no she won't Tyrion the King and Queen are dying they have Aurora fever there's no cure they only have a few months left" Tyrion was shocked "they told you this?" she nodded "yes and now you must swear not tell anyone I swore I wouldn't say anything" Tyrion agreed and started to think things "we should have stayed married" Sansa smiled "you were the best of them" Tyrion smiled "what an odd thing to say" Sansa smiled "it wouldn't have worked out" Tyrion questioned her "Why not?" Sansa explained in detailed "The dragon Queen our loyalties would have been divided" Missandei interrupted "yes without the Dragon Queen we'd all be dead" as she walked away.

"Outside of Winterfell" 

The Battle was getting tired Tormund was exhausted "Fall Back" the Hound could barely keep up "Fall Back!" Ned Targaryen was near the gates "Open the gates" The Northern men came rushing in with Brienne, Sam, and Podrick "go" she instructed Ned Instructed "Light the trenches" Arya along with the archers tried to light them Davos waved his flame signal but Daenerys nor Jon could see them "she can't see us!" Melisandre starred at Davos and began walking towards the trenches she started chanting her spell more efficiently until the flames lit the trenches a blaze Daenerys had seen the fire and had dragon light the trenches the dead were getting more aggressively Arya started to fighting the wights she fell from the tower and snuck near the library she stared running and ran into the Hound and Berric who saved her "Take her come on!" the dead were coming the hound picked her up and guided her towards the next room Berric was getting beat down by them barely made it in the room before they sealed the doors Berric looked at Arya and died in her arms The Red priestess came in "he was brought back to fulfill a purpose now that purpose has been served" Arya looked at her "I know you" Melisandre "and I know you" Arya continued "you said we'd meet again" Melisandre nodded "and yet here we are" Arya looked at her "you'd say I shut many eyes you were right about that" Melisandre "Brown eyes, Green eyes, and Blue eyes" suddenly they heard Rattling at the door Melisandre looked at  Arya "what does the old god say about death?" Arya remembered those words "Not today" she looked at them both and ran out the back way.

the forces were getting overrun the people were near death in the crypts people were being attacked Tyrion and Sansa along with Rhaella were hiding getting ready for the worst the Unsullied were barely making it Brieanne and Ned were fighting as much as they could they were preparing for the worst Winterfell was falling Daenerys and Jon were exhausted with fighting he held his hand on her shoulder both drew their swords prepared for the worst.

The Knight King slow approached Godswood and looked at Bran slowly but surely drew his sword prepared to kill him when Arya came from behind him sneaking up on him he grabbed her by the throat she dropped her Valrian steel sword in her other hand and plunged in him as she landed screaming all of sudden all white walkers started disappearing everywhere the Battle had been won Daenerys and Jon landed in the snow breathing barely "Jon" Jon held her hand "I am here Dany I'll always be here" suddenly Kinvara approached "you both did good now let me grant you your wish" Kinvara used her power and healed both their bodies healing them of their sickness Daenerys stood up the red mark was no longer there Kinvara looked at them "The Lords of the light want you to live so live" she disappeared beyond the wind Dany hugged Jon "were safe and cured"  

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