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In the months following the battle all seemed to be calm Queen Sansa honored her word and continued to support the North she was respectful to the others after months of struggling the North finally rebuild what they lost during Winterfell great battle against the undead winter seemed to have stopped and spring began to blossom she was happy about that at lest she missed her brother and Daenerys everyday they were the one true friends she's ever had but she kept in contact with their children peace was once again brought to the world.

Grey Worm and Missandei traveled to her homeworld in Naarth after the Battle of Winterfell they did come back after news of the King and Queen's death they both loved her and would honor her by doing good for her people after months of suffering her people began to return to normal a few years later Grey Worm was named Warden in Naarth and choose Missandei as his Queen eventually they got married they were happy it was a few years later she and Grey Worm adopted a beautiful baby girl they named her "Dany" after their Queen "Daenerys " they at least honored her in that way.

Arya continued to travel and see the world after Jon and Daenerys death they taught her life was too short she needed to live in the moment so she decided to travel and see the world along with Gendry they had many adventures and were happy in each others company and they still travel to this day discovering the world they keep in contact with Sansa and the others but no-one's heard from them since then.

Tyrion stayed at Winterfell for a time eventually he returned to Kings Landing and took his rightful place as King it seemed right to honor his families legacy since he was the only one left of his family he made his name a good name one that would be proud no more manipulation or death he restored peace to the lands even forged an alliance with Bronn who has named Lord commander go HighGarden his estate to this day is doing well and thriving.

As for Rhaella, Ned, Yara, and Davos they stayed in Bravos for a time Davos kept his promise to Jon and Daenerys and guided them to the right path for King and Queen Yara supported them and offered her alliance with them which they greatly accepted it took some time but Bravos was finally restored back to its balance Yara had promise to stay until their cornation day after that she would need to return to the Iron Islands her people needed their Queen finally that day had arrived Rhaella was crowned Queen of Bravos Ned being her brother decided it best he remain her guardsmen instead of being King as it should remain he continued to support his sister eventually he left Bravos and pursue his own goals but that is a story for another time.

Rhaella remained in Bravos serving as her duty as Queen everyone had cheered for her she made a name for herself and Davos couldnt be more proud he looked at her knowing that Daenerys and Jon would be proud of their daughter within a year Rhaella had married and everyone had welcomed their new king she was happy and decided to break tradition about marrying in the family who she married remains to be seen but that is a secret for another time.

Yara returned home as promised and made a plague in Jon and Daenerys name she honored by keeping her promise to serve the new Queen and support her, her people had gotten back their lands thanks to Daenerys and Jon finally all seemed right in the world she knew one day she would see Daenerys and Jon but for now she continue on in her new Journey.

Daenerys and Jon had joined their family in the afterlife though they continued to watch over their children quietly they were very proud and no longer needed to watch them they couldn't be more happy for them they had no regrets meeting or fallen in love though none of this would be possible if they had not met for this was a tale of both Fire and Ice.

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