Red Priestess

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"In Volantis near Essos"

Kinvara was praying to the lords of the light for the upcoming battle she prayed that the King and Queen would make it before their lasts breath she sensed someone was coming to see her she saw it in a vision but it was still unclear who would want to see her and why.

Nesera arrived just a few minutes later "priestess sorry to disturb you but this young woman needed to see you" Kinvara had looked at her and she was familiar "Ah yes Sansa Stark thank you Nesera you may go" Nesera left quickly "Lady Stark so what do I owe the pleasure?"

Sansa looked at him amazed at her "you knew I was coming?" Kinvara nodded with pride "yes I saw you coming in a vision so why are you here shouldn't you be preparing for the Battle of WinterFell" she nodded but this couldn't wait Kinvara knew why she was here it was about the King and Queen "your here about the King and Queen's sickness right?" Sansa nodded "they say you could heal any ailment to mankind" Kinvara smiled "once a long time ago but now I guide my sisters to a better life" Sansa was desperate to cure them "Kinvara I beg please can you cure them?" Kinvara hated to disappoint her but in this case Kinvara could not interfere with human nature.

Kinvara looked at Lady Stark and had to break her the awful news "You know that Aurora Fever is hard to cure what makes you think I can cure it?" Sansa was getting upset "you've brought people back from the death before why is this different?" Kinvara was getting frustrated "because I cannot interfere into the Lords work believe me I do not want them the die as much as you do but unfortunately their is nothing I can do it is there time but not yours I am sorry sister" Sansa nodded her head "But if they want to live. . ." Kinvara interrupted "girl they do not want that they've made peace with it let them live their lives and then let them die together" Sansa cried and turned to walk away "the red mark on their arms they don't have much time left" Kinvara was shocked "they have a red line on their bodies?" Sansa nodded "then they are truly lost I am sorry say goodbye while you still can" Sansa turned and left to return to WinterFell Kinvara was suspicious "Aurora fever doesn't create red lines unless. . ." she gasped she knew what it was "Nesera get a message to Davos the red lines on their bodies marks of poison only I can cure them" Nesera agreed and sent a Raven to WinterFell

Kinvara knew the Queen and King were in danger she prayed it was not too late for them.

"Back In Winterfell"

Sansa had come back from Essos she was hoping for good news but she had to deliver bad news to Arya it was not the visit she had hoped for Arya enter her chambers and greeted her "any luck?" Sansa shook her head "The priestess cannot interfere their going to die weather we like it or not" Arya hugged her "At least you tried lets make the most out of it before we give them a proper send off" she agreed the bells began to ring Daenerys and Jon were looking at the Battlements they looked at each other and nodded the Battle of the dead had started.

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