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"Outside of Winterfell"

Jon and his son Ned had prepared the horses and packed the remain items it was going to be a long Journey heading back to Bravos and Jon and Daenerys  were not looking forward they needed rectify the problems happening in Bravos time was of the essence they needed to depart as soon as possible "this should be the last of it father" Ned said Jon nodded "good as soon as your mother and sister arrive we'll depart safe they travel by carriage besides your mother doesn't like the cold" they both laughed.

Daenerys and Rhaella had packed up their remaining suitcases Rhaella hated to leave this place but knew it was for the best and perhaps one day when she is Queen she'll come back and visit still it was going to be a long journey if there was one thing they both hated that was saying goodbye Arya and Sansa came in offering their support "so everything all set?" Sansa asked Daenerys smiled at her "looks like it" Arya was tearing up "I hate that we'll never see you guys again" Daenerys looked at her "I need you both to promise me and Jon something" they nodded  "One day their may come a time when Jon and I won't be there for Rhaella and Ned I need you to promise if that day comes that you'll guide them as Queen and King will you do that?" Arya and Sansa "we promise" Daenerys nodded "good" Rhaella heard Ned calling out to them "Mother it's time" Daenerys nodded "okay" she hugged both Sansa and Arya and they departed.

Everyone was outside of Winterfell Daenerys was saying goodbye to Missandei and Grey Worm as they had a long Journey heading towards the Island of Naarth Jon and Daenerys were both happy for them and hoped one day they would be as happy as they were and have children Missandei hugged Daenerys "so this is it?" Daenerys looked at her "this isn't goodbye we'll see each other again one day" Jon shook Grey Worm's hand "you take care of here" he nodded Sam, Brianne, and Tyrion all waved goodbye to Dany, Jon, and their children as they departed Jon hoped on his horse along by his side Davos rode on his horse next to him  and rode away while Daenerys and Rhaella hoped in the carriage as their horsemen rode away both were fight back tears Rhaella held onto her mothers hands "Don't worry mother we'll be back someday" Daenerys nodded though she knew at some point she and Jon would one day pass but not today.

They had made it towards White Harbor there they boarded a ship with the captain and departed for Bravos Daenerys and Jon were below deck going over mission reports and scout reports in Bravos and news reports it was a mess they only hope they could get there in time and hoped Yara would be able to hold the line for that long both were worried with fear and prayed they could fix Bravos before another War broke out that is something Jon and Daenerys did not want Bravos was a peaceful place full of hope prosperity something must have happened to cause a war and corruption but what could they be facing an unknown enemy and who would dare challenge them whatever the reason they needed answers they need Davos counselor more than ever Davos had entered their chambers "beg your pardon your graces just received word" he handed them a message Yara had  managed a peace on both sides of the houses for now but that was likely to change "we need get home soon I just pray were not too late"

Rhaella and Ned were in the upper levels of the the ship Rhaella watched as the ships went by it was the most peaceful things she enjoyed but that was likely to change when she was going to have to be Queen she hated the thought of it but she knew she had to continue the Targaryen name for her parents sake she stressing a lot about it Ned sat next to her "you okay sis?" Ned was curious "Just thinking about the future" Ned nodded "you mean being Queen" Rhaella didn't seem to be happy "Ned what if I don't make a good Queen?" Ned looked at her "Rhaella you protected those innocents in Winterfell down in the Crypt there's no doubt about it you'll make an amazing Queen like mother" Rhaella nodded "I hope your right I really want to be home soon I miss our friends" Ned agreed. 

It took them Several days but they had finally made it back home Davos had opened to gates the house was still standing and nothing was damage or broken Rhaella and Ned decided to go their bedroom and take a nap they were exhausted the servant cleaned up the place and the housemaids brought food in the dinning room where Davos and Yara met Daenerys and Jon decided to eat in their rooms it had been a long Journey Daenerys was writing a declaration that if anything was to happen to her and Jon that Rhaella and Ned would take over the kingdom as Queen and King to restore the lands she had marked with the Targaryen seal mark and had a raven to deliver it into the city at least now their future had been secured Daenerys was tired and felt weak as did Jon they decided to fall asleep.

The next couple of days Daenerys and Jon had been busy trying to return Bravos back to its normal self it took some time but they had finally succeeded the people cheered for them and had a celebration everyone was happy but suddenly something didn't feel right the King and Queen were dancing when suddenly an assignation attempt was aimed at them Yara and Davos had tried to stop them but it was too late the arrow had struck Daenerys and Jon down they fell and gasped and coughed blood the people were in shock Rhaella and Ned shrieked in fear "Someone get help please!" Jon and Daenerys were barely breathing the Red Priestess had approached them and stopped them "you cannot help them I am sorry but it's their time now" Daenerys barely breathing Rhaella, Ned listen to me quickly okay we knew that one day that your father and I would leave you we just didn't think it would be today listen to me I know you'll do good in our name Rhaella my daughter you have a kind heart I know you'll do good" Danerys was coughing Jon held onto Daenerys hand "Ned my Son you must promise us you'll look after your sister and do what's right promise me" Ned nodded "I promise I'll make our name proud" Jon nodded he and Dany could barely hold on "Dany" Jon and turned to Dany "Jon" they both nodded "I have no regrets meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me you changed my life" Dany nodded "that's funny you did the same for me I'm not afraid anymore" both were coughing Yara, Davos, and Kinvara held onto suddenly a white light emerged from them Dany and Jon looked at them "Mother, Father" Yara teared "go be with your family we'll watch over your family" Daenerys and Jon quickly passed away everyone was in tears and Daenerys and Jon were in angelica angel ghost they held onto each other and disappeared into the other side.

Rhaella and Ned were crying over their bodies Yara and Davos protected them and ask their guards to find out who murdered the King and Queen they departed immediately Rhaella and Ned knew they had to take their Mother's and Father's place as Queen and King  Yara and Davos were prepared for whatever came but first they need to bury their fallen King and Queen.

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