Chapter Four: A Faerie's Promise

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I opened my eyes and saw Drake flying in front of my face. He smirked at me and his freaky pink eyes stared at me, waiting for something. Something warm hugged me. It slipped over me like a second skin. 

Jordan still screamed and hollered, trying to find me.

She can't see me. 

"A thank you is in order," Drake said, puffing up his chest and I thought about flicking him away, but here he was, helping me when I needed it. I almost wanted to hug him. I sat up and looked at him.


"You looked like you were in trouble." Drake said.

"This is your glamour?" I asked. 

Glamour is a form of magic for faeries. Every faerie had a different type and most of them could use it to make them disappear in the human world. It's what made Faerie and faeries invisible to the everyday person. 

"I think this kindness deserves an award, don't you think?" Drake asked.

Definitely didn't like the sound of that. I sat on the ground and held onto Rose harder. She murmured something, but I didn't hear it. 

"What do you want?"

Drake closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. He looked like he was counting to ten before he opened his eyes and looked down at me. 

"Stop looking at me like I'm some terrifying creature from a nightmare." He frowned as I leaned back a bit from him. Jordan was still cursing in the background, but it was easy to forget about her now that she couldn't see us. 

"Is that it?"

Drake's nostrils flared a bit at this. 

"Do you believe I'll take your voice? Chunks of flesh from your feet? Your eyes?" He asked. He tried to keep the mask up, but wasn't doing a good job at it. 

"It wouldn't surprise me."

"Humans and their faerie tales," Drake said with a huff in his voice. "Let me protect you. You have the habit of saving everyone else, why not let someone help you?"

Because you're a faerie and even though you can't lie, you twist words to get your way. You're not human. You can't die easily and you won't age like a human.

"I don't need help." 

"The drunk lady behind us might say otherwise," Drake said with his arms folded over his chest. 

"I don't need it." I said. "You don't want to protect me. You want something from me. That's what all faeries want from me."

Drake looked at me and leaned away from me as his arms relaxed a bit. He tilted his head. Bones ached under my skin and muscles tensed as the faerie studied me and his wings fluttered softly. Without the adrenalin, my body freaking hurt. I still felt sore from the damn Red Caps a bit ago.

"You really are like a scared little child." He said.

"Oh screw you man," I said, gritting my teeth. What did he know about me? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. "I've read all the faerie tales about how you guys screw humans over. I know how you don't care-"

"And how do you know that?"

A prince with royal purple hair stands in the forefront of my thoughts. He's tall, strong, and has these red brown eyes that shimmer in the light. Wings sprout from his back and they're purple and yellow.

"I just know."

"The logic of humans." He said. "Hasn't anyone protected you before?" A flash of purple goes over my memory again. Drake flew in front of my face. "Let someone protect you for once."

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