Chapter Twenty-Six: Faerie World We Go

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"Matty?" Lowell asked as he stepped forward. He tripped and fell on his knees before stumbling back up. I wasn't sure if he was just surprised or drunk.

"Lowell?" My voice sounded like a whisper.

Run! My mind screamed. He could see me. He could see the faeries. How? How was this happening? My feet glued to the ground. My blood ran cold and my heart stopped. Please. Please, I need to get him out of here. My legs ran to him, but Drake grabbed me.

"Matty, don't!"

I need-

The Huli jing grabbed a hold of Lowell's arm. "See?" She said. "I told you that your friend lived in a different world. That she was even seeing someone. She has her own secret little world."

Drake pressed his chest to my back and tightened his grip on my arm.

"Hey! That's complete shit! Drake and I are friends not, whatever she said we were!" I yelled, pulling on my arm. "Drake, let go!"

Lowell's body remained stiff with his jaw and fist tight as he stared at me with wide eyes. Even in the dim light, a smile grew on the Huli Jing's face as she trailed a hand down his chest. "She didn't tell you, did she? All those times she lied to you...all the times she ran away from you."

"Lowell, I had to lie to you! This place is dangerous!" I yelled as I took a step forward, but Drake grabbed me by the shoulders. "She wants something from you!"

He took a step back as he shook his head with his mouth open. "No, no, she's been the only one telling me the truth! She told me about your sight! Drake! Faeries! And everything!" Lowell yelled. "How could you lie to me?"

"I lied to protect you!" I yelled and I glared at Drake. "Let go!" Drake shook his head.

"Bullshit!" Lowell yelled. "You lied for the power! You didn't want me to know about this. You just wanted the power yourself."

What was he talking about? What the hell has this faerie been saying to him? I don't understand. 

"What? Power? Jesus, freaking Christ, this is a nightmare!" I said. "I see this all the time! I wanted to protect you!"

I wanted to grab him and shake him. I wanted to smack him upside the head and tell him everything at that moment. His body shook like his anger might manifest itself into some physical form like a werewolf.

The Huli Jing kissed his cheek. "Poor child, there's nothing for you here."

A glaze look came over his eyes.


I pulled against Drake's grip. "Lowell, don't!"

The Huli Jing grinned as she threw her arms around him. They burst into flames and for a horrifying moment, I thought she killed herself and him before the flames went out, revealing an empty spot where not even the grass was burnt.

"Lowell!" I screamed.

Drake let me go and I ran over to the spot, pulling the grass as if I could dig a hole into Faerie. The music came back and I saw faeries slowly crawling out of the shadows and continuing the party. Air left my chest and for a moment I couldn't hear the world. Lowell. Lowell.

I stood up and darted for the forest. I just need to get to Faerie and I can get him. I can get to him. I can save him.


Drake grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder.

"No! Drake! Put me down!" I screamed, kicked, punched, and bit into his shoulder until I tasted blood. I tried ripping his hair, but his grip never loosened, never wavered for the rest of the night as Drake tried to calm me down.

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