Own the floors beneath their feet.
Gurgling in my stomach, I can hardly eat.
But here we go we wait again and again.
Blew out all the candles-
A dying ember.
Delay and tremolo in my ears as a night to remember.
It is but a wall melting like wax before our eyes.
It'll lift you until you break but irritate to stop.
No going back, a trip like a journey.
Clothed head to toe wandering through avast the desert.
Soon, cutting thickets to brave the jungle floor.
Reality, why such a bore?
Dear Friend, Apathy
PuisiA 3rd installment of my poetry series, 'Poems and Short Stories'. Written as more of a story that's all over the place. All in all, it speaks for itself. All composed of which, elements that explores new depths of meaning in my writing. Enjoy!