(3) First day of School......

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Hi guys! Sorry that the last chapter was short, I promise to make this one longer!

Now enjoy reading~


You were eating breakfast with your Mother on the dinner table, you were a bit nervous since today was the first day of Hell- I mean school. You dont know if the kids there will be nice or mean, you dont know ANYONE except for the sextuplets which you heard they were going to the same school as you, which was a good sign.

"Mom.....do you think I'll make friends in my new school?" You ask your Mother as you ate your toast.
"Absolutely! I mean....we just moved in almost a week ago and you've already made six friends" Your Mother smiles at you.
"Well, yeah but.....they're probably diffrent from other kids....." You dangle your legs around at the bottom if the table.

"Or not!" Your Mom got up and sat next to you.
"Sweetie, dont ever think about the negative things, just think about all the good things that might happen, like maybe you'll get popular." Your Mother ruffles up your hair.

"Heh, thanks Mom. Maybe you're right...." You smile and give her a big hug, untill there was a knock on the door.
"(Y/N) kun!" Six people from the other side of the door yelled, judging by their wacky voices, you knew who it was already.

Why are they here? You thought before getting up and answering the door, the sextuplets were standing there, smiling and blushing slightly.

"Hai hai! What are you six doing here?" You tilted your head.

"Umm heh....too walk to school w-with you, I mean....if thats okay...." The one thats infront of the others said as he puts both of his hands behind him.
"Pretty please, (Y/N) kun?" They all clap their hands together.
"R-really?" Your eyes widened.
They all nodded happily. You turn your head around.
"Mommy! Can I walk to school with the sextuplets?!"
There was silence for a few seconds until...
"Sure Honey!!" She replied. The sextuplets silently cheered so you didnt hear them.
"Alright! Let me go get my backpack first"

On the way to school, the seven of you talked and actually had alot in common, and as bonus points, you get to know them better. Like how to tell them apart, who's the oldest to youngest and even their biggest secrets.

Once all of you made it to school, you were immediatly greeted with a brown-haired girl with pigtails.

"Hello you sextuplets- EH? Who's this??" The girl asks the sextuplets as she examins you.
"Ah! Totoko-chan, this is (Y/N) kun. He's our neighbour." Osomatsu introduced you to her, she blushes bright pink.
"U-umm hi....Im Totoko....." She says barely above a whisper.

"Hi Totoko-chan! Im (Y/N)" You put your hand infront of her, she quickly shakes it and runs away, squealing. (This isnt becoming a Totoko-chan x Male reader I swear XD)

What was that all about? You tilted your head and look at the sextuplets, they were clearly as confused as you were.

The seven of you went to class and sat down, waiting for the teacher. After about 20 minutes, the teacher finally walked in.
"S-sorry class, I was uuuhh busy...." The teacher said. This teacher was a little bit wierd looking, he has 3 big teeth that sticks out of his mouth, he has long hair, he wears rugged clothes and has a wierd Dali mustache.

"Uummm today we'll be doing English....." The teacher quickly faces the blackboard.
"Excuse me Teacher, but uuhhh we have a new student here......" Todomatsu raised up his hand.

"Oh.....we do? I MEAN OF COURSE WE DO HAH ITS NOT LIKE I DONT WORK HERE OR ANYTHING I MEAN WHAT" The Teacher yells, making the students be suspicious of this guy.
"I dont think he works here..." You whisper to Karamatsu who was sitting next to you.
"Me neither...." He whispers back.

"Umm get infront of the class..... whoever you are...." The 'Teacher' looks around the room, unable to figure out who the new student is.
You sigh and got up from your desk, you slowly walk up infront if the whole class and introduced yourself.

"Hi everyone, Im (Y/N) (L/N). Buy you could call me (Y/N). Im new to this school so please be nice!" You give a warm smile to the whole class and most of the girls there were blushing and giggling, pretty sure they even have hearts in their eyes especially the sextuplets.

"Alright, alright enough with you. Now go back to your seat" The Teacher says as he waved his hand up and down at you. The girls and the sextuplets frown, their eyebrows furrowed.

You sat back down, earning a few glances from the girls and the sextuplets.
"As me was saying, we're gonna learn about Eng-"
"Teacher, this is math class" Choromatsu interrupted the Teacher.
"SHEEEEEH?!?!??!" The Teacher yelled as he did some kind of pose. The whole class was laughing at him (poor Iyami XD)

"Uuuhh Alright then.... me guess we're gonna learn about the plus things and the minus things..." He said as he looks at a random notebook.
"You mean add and subtract?" Ichimatsu interuppted the Teacher again.
"Yeah, thats what me said." The Teacher said, trying to cover up his mistake.

"Teacher, you're holding the book upside down!" Osomatsu pointed out.
"SHEEEEEEH!!!" He yelled again, now the whole class had lost it, especially you. You were tumbling on the floor, crying of laughter.
The Teacher turned the book around and start to reread it. But little did he know that he was reading a book of music sheets......


Soooo long-story-short, after a few minutes of messing with that wierd teacher, the police randomly bursts in the classroom and apparently the teacher was a criminal.........yeeeaaahh......

Now you and the sextuplets are having lunch time in the cafeteria. While you guys were talking and eating, you catch glances from the girls on the other lunch table beside yours. They were blushing, whispering, giggling, and waving at you. That Totoko-chan girl was also at that table.

After lunch, it was recess. You and the sextuplets played on the swings, the monkey bars, the slide and much more.

When you were about to go on one of the slides, a rather high-pitched voice was heard from behind you.
"Hey new idjit!"
You turn around and see a short kid that seemed younger than you.
"Oh hello, is something wrong?" You ask the kindergartener.

"Why are you stealing all the girls exactly?" His eyebrows furrowed.
"What do you mean? Also, shouldnt you be in the kindergarten's play area?" You ask him.
"Kindergarten's play area?! HOW OLD DO YOU THINK I AM?!" He yells at you.
"Uuummm......five?" You squinted your eyes. Bad bad answer......

"FIVE?! IM THE SAME AGE AS YOU, YOU IDJIT!!!" He screamed at you before punching your stomach, but damn he's got strength......You clench onto your stomach.
"Hey! Whats going on here?!" Jyushimatsu yelled as he and his brothers ran up beside you.

"Chibita!" Osomatsu yelled at the shortie.
"Did you hurt (Y/N) kun?!"

Chibita growled at the eldest who was standing infront of you to make sure you dont get hurt.
''That Idjit called me a KINDERGATENER!!!" Chibita pointed towards you.
The brothers paused for a second before covering up their mouths, trying not to laugh.

"Are you Idjits laughing?!" Chibita said, offended. He groweled once more.
"You! Over there!" Chibita pointed at you.
"I challenge you to a FIGHT!" Chibita gets into a fighting position.

"Uuhh what?" Your eyes widened.
"You heard me......LETS FIGHT! HERE AND NOOOWW!!!" Chibita screamed.
"Oh uuhhh Chibita.....was it?" You knelt down infront of him.
"Yeah, thats my name. Now hurry up AND FIGHT ME YOU IDJIT" He screamed at your face again.

"Look, Chibita. Im terribly sorry for all of this, I know what it feels to be a short person. Im also sorry for how my friends laugh at you. Will you forgive us? Or atleast.... forgive me?" You look at him with the cutest eyes that you could make. He blushes bright red.

"F-fine! But I wont forgive the sextuplets though.....j-just you..." The color of his blush darkens.

"Arigatou, Chibita kun~" You bow slightly to him, which made him smile a bit, he runs away.

"Hey uhhh.....(Y/N) kun? Why didnt you just fight Chibita? He deserves it anyways!" Osomatsu said to you.

"I dont want him to embarrass himself, he's just a kindergartener afterall"

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