(8) Telling a Girl

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The screenshot I took above is really cute btw, dont u agree?


It was Reading class and the Teacher (who's name is Mr. Dekapan) told the whole class to be in pairs of two. At first, you wanted to pair up with one of your boyfriends but Totoko-chan came up to your desk, shyly, and playing with her hair.

"H-hi (Y/N) kun....d-do you wanna p-pair up with m-me?" Her face turns to a dark shade of pink. Your eyes widened and you smile at her.
"Okay! You're Totoko-chan, right?" You tilted your head at her, she gently nods.
The two of you picked a book from one of the bookshelfs and Mr. Dekapan told the whole class to read the picked book and tell the whole class about it.

You sat down on the floor with Totoko-chan and started reading with her, the book you two picked out was a tale of a prince and princess.
While you were in the middle of reading, Totoko tugs onto your sleeve.
"Hm? What is it Totoko-chan?" You turn your head to her, she looks away.
"Say (Y/N), have you ever been in love before?" She glanced at you. After she said that, it immediatly reminded you of the sextuplets.
"Mmhmm." You smile, thinking of the sextuplets.
"Y-you do?!" Totoko quickly turns to you.

"Uh...yeah, why'd you ask?"

"Eerrmm, nothing....heh" She chuckles nervously.

You turn your head back to the book.
"Totoko-chan, you should start reading with me now, y'know?" You ask her without taking your eyes off the book.

The book was pretty good, you payed a lot of attention but you couldnt say the same for Totoko-chan. She keeps glancing at you and blushing, she says that she's paying attention to the book but you cant help but feel like she's lying.

"Alright kids, times up! Its time for the presentation." Mr. Dekapan said before you and Totoko-chan got up and sit at eachothers seat.
A few teams went infront of the class first, untill you decided that your turn should go next. You lean to Totoko-chan and whisper in her ear:
"After this is our turn, okay?"

"Hehe okay!" She giggles.

"Okay, who's next?" Mr. Dekapan asked the whole class.
"Me and Totoko-chan!" You raised up your hand and got up along with Totoko-chan.

"So, what book did you two pick?" Mr. Dekapan asked the two of you.
"Its called 'Princess and the frog' "
You smile at the Teacher.
"Okay, Totoko-chan, can you tell me about the story?" He ask Totoko. You turn to her.
"Eh? Uuumm....well, its uhhh" Totoko stutters, you bit your bottom lip.

I knew she wasnt paying attention...

"Its about.....a princess and...." She started but you cut her off.
"A-actually, it starts off with a girl who was working at a restaurant and she met a frog then she-"

"Hold on, (Y/N)...I was asking Totoko-chan about the book, not you." Mr. Dekapan cuts you off.
"Sorry Dekapan sensei....." You mumbled, you can feel the angry Matsuno's glaring at him.

"Uhh....well theres this girl.....a-and she uhh befriended the frog and they lived happily ever after! That's how it goes, right?" Totoko turns to you with a fake smile, you just gently shake your head at her.
"I dont believe that's how the story goes, Totoko...." Mr. Dekapan says with a slight frown. You were a little bit mad at her for not reading the book like you told her, Mr. Dekapan sighs.
"You two go back to your seats."

You slowly went back to your desk, you didnt feel like talking to Totoko at the moment.
Totoko reached her hand out to you but in while in mid distance, she stops and puts her hand down, feeling bad about herself.

~¤~ Time skeep ~¤~

You and the sextuplets were talking with eachother during recess and honestly, you compeletly forgot about the 'Totoko incident', you forgave her for that even though she hasnt apoligize to you yet, you still forgave her.

While you were talking with your loves, you saw Totoko walking up to you with a note in her hand. She looks really sad, you look up to her and waited for her to say something but she kept quiet. She gives you the note and you read it, her handwriting was a little messy but you kids were seven afterall.

It reads:
To (Y/N) kun

Im really super duper quadruple sorry about earlier! The thing is I wasnt paying attention or reading the book cause I was distracted by you cause I like-like you♡

P.S   I dont care if I'll get cooties.

From Totoko

You look up at her and she was red as a tomato, she covered her face with her pigtails and took a little glance at her. You gave her back the letter.
"S-sorry Totoko....but I dont feel the same way..." You gently said, afraid you might break her heart.
"O-oh...I...." She said barely above a whisper.
"B-but why?!" She suddenly yells at you.
"Was it because if earlier?! I'll make it up to you I promise!" She claps her hands together.

"No Totoko-chan! Its-"

"Please! Didnt I already apoligize to you in the note?!" She screams at you, jeez this is really taking you back to that moment with Nyaa-chan......

"I.....you're my first ever crush! Please just like me back so its romantic and stuff!" She yells at you, you were really bored with this happening the second time. Untill you see tears in Totoko's eyes.
"T-Totoko-chan? Why are you crying?!" You say as you grab her shoulders.
She sniffles.

"Do you.....h-hate me?" She says between sobs.
"No Totoko-chan, its not that I hate you! Its because.....uumm" You turn your head to the sextuplets who were wide eyed.
Yo give them the 'should I tell her?' Look, they all smile and nodded.
You let out a sigh.

"Totoko-chan, the reason I dont like you back isnt because I hate you, its because Im in a relationship with people I really care about...." You turn around and smile at the sextuplets who smiled back.
"You....and those sextuplets are..... together......?" She says as her jaw dropped.

You nodded along with your sextuplets.
"I.....Im so sorry, I didnt know....." She looks at you with eyes filled with apoligies.
"Its okay, as long as you dont tell anyone about this." You look at her with a sad smile.
"Alright, I promise. Sorry that I kinda snapped...." She smiles with her eyebrows narrowed up slightly.
"Im just really desperate for affection, my parents were always so busy and famous that they never really payed that much attention to me....." Totoko said as she frowns.
You give her a big hug.
"Im sorry to hear that Totoko-chan, dont worry, me and the sextuplets will happily be your friend!" You hug her tighter.

You can feel your shoulder getting wet.
"YOU'RE THE BEST (Y/N) KUN!" She cries into your shoulder.

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