(11) The School Play!

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Im so sorry for my followers and readers for not uploding for two weeks im sosososo sorry


You were on your way to school without your boyfriends cause when you came up to their house, their Mother said they already left. You were a bit mad about that but not too much, you dont want to be those kinds of people who are obssesed with their other half soo yeah....

You walk into school like usual and find a LOT of kids crowding around the bulletin board, you raised up an eyebrow and walk towards them.
"Hey guys? Whats going on?" You try to ask the kids but they were too focused and loud for them to hear you. You finally made your way to the front of the bulletin board and saw a new piece of paper stuck onto it.

The top part reads :

School play

"Romeo and Juliet"

Oohhh boy, you could already tell its gonna be terrifiying, you look down the list to find your name and what role you are in.

(Y/N) = Tree

You let out a dissapointing sigh and walk to your classroom to find the sextuplets waiting impatiently for you, when they saw you walk into the classroom, they run towards you.

"(Y/N) kun! Did you see the-"

"Yes I did, and Im not too hyped about it.....mostly because I play as a tree...." You cut Karamatsu off and walk towards an empty seat and placed down your backpack.
"Its okay,  (Y/N) kun. I play as a tree aswell....." Todomatsu frowns

"What about the rest of you?" You asked the other five.
"I play as a guy named Tybalt, Choromatsu is Mercutio, Ichimatsu is Benvolio, and Jyushimatsu is Capulet...." Osomatsu said as he points to each of his brothers except for Karamatsu.

"What about Karamatsu?" You turn your head at him. Karamatsu gulps.
"R-Romeo....." He mumbles, he doesnt seem like he's proud to be Romeo though.
"Thats awesome! You get to be the star of the show!" You smiled at him.
"Yeah but.......that means I have to be all 'lovey dovey' with Juliet......" He pouts and looks at you sadly.

"Whats wrong with that?" You raised an eyebrow.
"He said he doesnt feel comfortable with doing those stuff with someone that isn't you, because he loves you only and all...." Ichimatsu folds his arms together.

"Aaaww, thats okay Karamatsu! Besides, why do us seven year olds have to have a 'romantic' play?! I havent even seen Romeo and Juliet!" Your voice risen.

"Yeah! Who even is Mercutio?!" Choromatsu taps his foot to the ground.

(Im sorry for all the Romeo amd Juliet fans out there (・´з'・))

Its not a surprise that the 'Teacher' who planned out the play was none other than the criminal himself, Mr. Iyami.

"You're a criminal! You're suppose to be in JAIL" one of the kids yelled at him.
"Nonono! Me got out from prison and now me works at school!" He said as sweat beads fall down his forehead.
"As if we believe you...." You roll your eyes at him.
"Alright everyone, there is a school play coming this week and today we're gonna practice mkay?" Mr. Iyami giggles to himself.

"First off, we're kids. Don't you think we're too young to be having a play, especially a ROMANTIC play?" Choromatsu raised up his hand.
"Whatever, me is your teacher and I get to do whatever I WANT now!" Mr. Iyami puts his hands on his hips. The other kids groan.

A few of the kids move the chairs and tables to the side and we started practicing. You and Todomatsu were kinda bored since you two played as a friggin tree. But you've always wondered who played Juliet, for absolutely noooo reason at all.
You think its probably Totoko chan or some other girl but its so much worse. The girl that played Juliet is Nyaa chan.

Osomatsu kun x Male! readerWhere stories live. Discover now