(4) Flower Crowns♡

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You've been spending alot of time with the sextuplets recently and it got to the point where you felt really safe around them. Have you ever had that feeling where you're at the Dentist and you're scared, then your parents reassured you and tell you that everything will be okay, and you suddenly dont feel that stressed anymore? Yep, thats how you feel around the sextuplets.

You didnt know what this feeling was, it doesnt seem dangerous at all but it sure is nice to be around them. Its like cuddling your favourite pillow, or hugging your pet after being away for awhile. You thought this was just some friendship feeling thingy (my sweet innocent (Y/N), its MORE than that ;))

You were reading (F/C/B) in your room (Favourite Comic Book)
Untill you hear a knock on the front door, you got excited that it was probably the sextuplets and rushed downstairs.
You opened the front door to find a tall man delivering a package.
"Hello little guy, is this the uuhh....." The guy looks at a writing on the package.
"(L/N) household?" He turns back to you. You nodded.
(L/N): Last Name

The guy gives the package to you, its rather heavy but you can manage to carry it. You thanked the Mailman and closed the door. You placed down the package on the dinner table and read the letter thats taped infront of it.

It reads:

Dearest, (Y/N)

Its been almost six months ever since me and your mother divorced, Im truly sorry about what I had done in the past and all the fights me and your mother did. I miss you, son. I hope we can meet again one day.
I love you so, so much.

P.S  Dont tell your mother about this package

With everlasting love,


You didnt know what to think about this package other than how much you miss your only superhero.........

You quickly picked up the package and went to your room and closed the door. You opened the package up and see a pretty old looking phone, altough it was still working nicely.
You opened up the phone and there was only about three apps on the phone, one of them was a messaging app.

You opened the app and see that theres only one persons phone number.........

Your Dad's phone number.......

Your heart skipped a beat when you hear your Mother call out to you.
"(Y/N)! was there a package?!"

You quickly throw the box out the window and put the phone in your pocket.
"Whats a package?! Im too young to know what that is.......sorry Mom...." You didnt like lying to your Mother, but this is a whole new level of craziness. You can hear your Mom sigh.
"Nevermind....." She replies.

You went downstairs, sweating, and came up to your Mom who was watching TV.
"Uuuummm hey M-Mom.....can I g-go play with the sextuplets....?" You gulped, you were tripping on your words left and right.

"Sure Sweetie....." Your Mother said before kissing your cheek
"Be back before dinner!!"


You explained EVERYTHING to the sextuplets, at this point, their jaws went through the floor.
"WHAAAAAAAAAAAA?!?!?!?" Screamed Osomatsu.

"(Y/N) kun! You should try calling your Dad!" Ichimatsu requests.
"NO! I cant, Im.....not ready...." You look down on the phone.
"Dont you miss your Dad though?" Choromatsu raised an eyebrow.

"Obviously, but this is so nerve-racking......" You said before putting the phone on the floor.
"Oh! Does it have videogames?" Jyushimatsu said as he picked up the phone.
"Yeah, but only that boring old ping-pong game....." You frown along with Jyushimatsu.
"I just miss him so much, I didnt think that it would come to this.... Im not saying I love him more than my Mom, but I just wish that everything could go back to normal, ever since I moved here, nothing has ever made me happy as usual....." You close your eyes with the palms of your hand and sniffled, you could just feel the shocked faces on the sextuplets.

"Im sorry, I shouldnt have came here....." You wiped away your tears.

"Y'know what, (Y/N) kun? You need some help!" Karamatsu suggested.
"W-what do you....mean?" You look at Karamatsu.
"You said you havent been feeling as happy as you were before you moved here, right?" Todomatsu asks you. You gently nodded.

"Well today's your lucky day! We're gonna try our best to make you the happiest human in the WOOORRLLDD!!!!!" Choromatsu says as he stood up and lifts his hands in the air.
"Really? I mean....no, honestly.... you guys shouldnt do this...." You got up and take the phone and before you were about to leave the room, one of the brothers grabbed your hand.
You turn around to see Osomatsu looking at you sadly.

"Please, (Y/N) kun.....Your happiness is our happiness too, y'know?"

You look at each of the sextuplets, they seem really serious about this. You let out a sigh, along with a smile.


"YAY!!" The all cheered and dragged you out of their bedroom and outside.

You didnt know where the heck you guys were going but they were your friends afterall, so you trust them.
After awhile, you guys finally made it, and it was actually a land of........flowers......

"Guys? What are we doing in this flower field?" You ask them, not taking your eyes off the amazing flower-y view.
"Its a secret, now (Y/N) kun, why dont you....uuumm stand over there for a while!" Osomatsu points to an empty area with no flowers, except for a pretty big tree.
"What? Why?" You ask him.
"Nothing, while you're waiting, maybe you could do something with that tree. Anyways, have fun and dont look at what we're doing okay?!" Osomatsu said before him and his younger brothers run to the middle of the flower field.

Well then, I guess Im going to hangout with that tree......
You walk over to the tree and examin it, it was really tall and pretty. You had this idea of climbing it.
"I've climbed a tree once!" You say to yourself before making a big jum into the tree and grabbing the trunk.

You made your way upwards until you made it to one of the low branches. You sat on the branch and you can feel the wind blowing through your beautiful short hair cause your a boi.
Then you feel the branch gaining weight and start to slowly break.


You slide back down to the grass and started playing with the fallen leaves that were below the tree.
After 11.476 hours, the sextuplets are finally back, carrying flower crowns.
"Hey (Y/N) kun!" A few of them called to you.
"Hmm?" You turn to look at them and the flower crowns they had made.
"Oooh! Are those flower crowns? Did you guys make them yourselves?" You asked them, they nodded with a big warm smile on their face.
"They're for y-you, (Y/N) kun...." Ichimatsu said shyly, blushing dark red.

"For me? Thank you all so much!" You say as they give you all of it. Keep in mind, they didnt just make one each, they made atleast four of each person!

"(Y/N) kun, try and count all of the petals in each flower crown!" Karamatsu said as he points to the flower crowns.
"I cant do that, there's too many!" You say as you examin the flower crowns more.
"Well, whatever number it is, thats just how much we care about you (Y/N) kun....." Todomatsu lets out a sad smile. You look at them in shock.

"Actually if you time it by infinity, THEN thats how much we care about you....." Osomatsu corrected the youngest brother.
Your smile couldnt have been much wider......

"Thank you all......so much..." You couldnt even form words anymore, and before you even knew it, tears were already dripping.

"Uh-oh GUYS WE MADE (Y/N) KUN CRY!!!! I knew we should've asked him if he was allergic to flowers!" Choromatsu panicked and starts to sweat.
"Silly, he's crying of happiness....... r-right, (Y/N) kun?" Ichimatsu said, getting a little worried too.

"Yes, yes I am...." You sniffled.
"Aaaww dont cry (Y/N) kun...... group hug!" Totty yelled the last part before him and his brothers hug you.


The sextuplets took you back home, you went inside and see your Mom still watching TV, you sat beside her.

"(Y/N)? Where did you get all those flower crowns?" Your Mother looked at you and the Flower crowns, you give her a soft smile.
"People really special to me..." You replied as you take two of the flower crowns and placed it on you and your Mothers head.


Osomatsu kun x Male! readerWhere stories live. Discover now