(17) To The Museum We go!

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You have been warned.......


After the accident two weeks ago, you really needed some time with other kids, to forget all the bad trauma that happened. You didnt know what you will do to release the trauma but it surely won't be talking to your Mom. You were walking to school with the sextuplets, quiet as ever. The sextuplets grew concerned for you and tried to get some small talk.
"Its okay (Y/N) kun, its all in the past now!" Icimatsu said as he caresses your back.
"She found out about it though....it was mortifying...." You gulped. The sextuplets look at eachother, then back at you.
"But she forgot about it, didn't she?" Osomatsu asked, clearly worried that your relationship with them might end.
"She did, because of a white lie I told her in the Hospital....." You can feel the sins crawling on your back (did anyone get the Undertale reference? No? K....)

"Well thats good isn't it? Our relationship is still safe!" Jyusjimatsu smiled, you forced a smile with him. Then the seven of you see Totoko chan running towards you guys. When she finally stopped in front of you, she takes a few breaths.
"Huff, huff, huff......."

"Totoko chan? Why aren't you in school?" You raised an eyebrow at her.
"I wanted to-uuhh, ask you guys if you're going to the school....huff, field trip!" She huffs once more.
"School field trip?!" The seven of you yelled in unison, no one ever informed you about a School field trip!
"How'd you know Totoko?" You inched closer to her, intrested in the news she had brought up.
"Mr. Iyami said that there will be a field trip coming this weekend!" She smiles,while you and some of the sextuplets groan.
"Mr. Iyami? We're gonna go to this field trip with HIM?!" Choromatsu said in a dissapointing tone.
"Well, yes. But we're going to an Animal Museum!" Totoko chan bounced up and down.

Ooooo~ an Animal Museum!


"This weekend, we're going on a school field trip to the Animal Museum where there will be lots of Animals! You can pet them, feed them and learn about them!" Mr. Iyami said as he smiles widely, showing three of his big teeth.
"But Mr. Iyami.....aren't those called a 'zoo'?" Karamatsu raised up his hand.
"Psshh no, its an Animal Museum!" Mr. Iyami laughs, the other kids looked at eachother in disagreement.
"Preeettyy sure its called a zoo...." Todomatsu raised an eyebrow at Mr. Iyami while he just scoffs.

"Whatever! Me calls it an Animal Museum cause I know better than any of you!" The teacher puts his hands on his hips.
"Says the one who tried to read a music sheet book upsidedown...." Choromatsu whispers into your ear, making you laugh.

"Anyways, tell us more about the field trip." One of the kids asked.

"The field trip will be on saturday, you kids bring snacks and stuff. Wear your own clothes and uuhh we'll leave in 07:15"

The kids all nodded, then Mr. Iyami hands out a sheet of paper for the kids to sign if they'll be going to the field trip or not. When the sheet of paper got to you, you tried to think about it for a while.
"C'mon (Y/N) kun! All six of us are coming so you should come too!" Osomatsu smiled at you, you hesitated a bit before signing your name on the sheet of paper. Then you pass it on to someone else.
"So are you gonna come?" Ichimatsu asked you happily, hoping you would go to the field trip, you chuckle.
"Well duh, I could use some time with animals."

/(Time skeep)\

It was the day of the field trip, you don't know if you're either nervous or excited, probably both.
You got your backpack ready and everything else done.
"Are you excited, dear?" Your Mother said as she stands by the door, you nodded happily at her before she gives your forehead a kiss and waved you goodbye.
"I'll pick you up at four o'clock!" She shouts as you walk away.

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