(18) Happy Valentine's Day ♡

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Hi everyone! Could you all please take a minute to read this? Thanks.
So this book is about to end heh. And it might not be a big deal but I just love this book alot more than my previous one and Im kinda sad that its gonna end XD just 3 more chapters (including this one) then its over. Anyways, enjoy reading!


Today's the day, your big day! And no, its not your birthday but its the second most exciting day of the year for you!
(If your birthday is on February 14th then happy birtday from me!)

Its Valentine's day wooohooo!
You and the sextuplets have been waiting for so long for this day to come and its finally here!
You woke up from your bed and jumped to your calander and the myth, the legend, its real!
"Yahoo! Mama mia!" You jumped around in your room.

"(Y/N) ITS 4 IN THE MORNING!" You hear your Mom shout, you chuckle awkwardly and went back to bed, excited to meet six of your favourite people.

It was morning and you were eating your cereal like theres no tomorrow. Your Mother was kind of wierded out by how hyped you are today but if she knew what day it is today, she still might not understand to be honest.
"(Y/N) kun, slow down. You could choke!" Your Mother warned you. You didn't listen and finished your cereal in less than two minutes.

"Okmomimgonnagotoschoolnow byeeee!" You quickly muttered before running towards the sextuplets house, you saw them and they're already waiting for you. The wecond they saw you, they immediatly run towards you and Osomatsu picked you up and swing you around, making you laugh.
"Happy Valentine's day!!!" They all cheered. You laugh as Osomatsu puts you down.
"Happy Valentine's day to the six of you all!" You exclaimed as you hug all of them.

The seven of you walked to school happily and thinking about all the amazing things to do after school for Valentines. You also didn't tell them that you brought the boxes of flowercrowns.
As the seven of you walked to school, the hallways and the rooms are all decorated in pink and there are love hearts everywhere.

"Happy Valentine's day to everyone!" Totoko chan cheered as she walked down the hallway with a pink box filled with choclate, she throws the choclate to the kids out in standing in the hallways.
"Choclate for you, you and you. And also him, and then her and-" Totoko chan was giving out choclates to everyone until she spotted you and the sextuplets. She ran towards you.
"Hi you guys! Happy Valentine's day!" She gives you and the sextuplets a piece of choclate.
"Thank you Totoko chan" You and the sextuplets thanked her.

"Sooooooo~ are any of you planning anything special today?" She grins, you and the sextuplets blush in embarrassment.
"Heh, well maybe...." You shyly mumbled, Totoko chan giggled before going to the classroom as you and your boyfriends follow.

Once all the kids arrived and sat down, Mr. Dekapan came in the classroom bringing a bunch of light pink papers.
"Okay kids, today's Valentine's day and that means its the day you all will get love cards from your secret admirer. All you kids grab as many pink cards as you want and write down the person you'd like to give a love card to and write some nice things about them, remember, don't put your real name on it alright?" Mr. Dekapan explained while the kids nodded.
"Yes sir!"

You and the sextuplets look at eachother, already knowing who will they give eachothers cards for. You got up and picked up six love cards, one for each of your boyfriends of course.
You started decorating the card with things like glitter, stickers and pretty terrible drawings. And also didn't write your name.
Once you were done, you gave the cards to Mr. Dekapan along with the rest of the kids who were done.

Mr. Dekapan started handing out the love cards to the people that got one.
After awhile, it was finally your turn.
"And for (Y/N) kun, you got eight cards!" Mr. Dekapan's eyes widened of how much there where for you. You already knew who the six other cards were from and as for the other two, it probably was from a couple of girls.

Surprisingly, nothing that exciting happened at school even though it was Valentine's day which was dissapointing. But when school finally ended, you didn't go home, in fact, you and the sextuplets were sitting on the front stairs of the school.

"Hey guys, look, I brought the flowercrowns for us to wear!" You said as you unzip your backpack to pull out seven flowercrowns.
"Aw man, these flowercrowns have alot of history of us huh?" Osomatsu said before he puts on a flowercrown on Ichimatsu, cause you know, he's a good big brother.
"I know! I still remember the time when we first made them for you" Choromatsu said as he puts a flowercrown on you and quickly pecks your lips.
"Choromatsu nii-san! Don't do that, we're in public....!" Todomatsu whisper yelled at his brother after playfully hitting his arm.
"Hey, everyone at school already left okay?" Choromatsu pouted at him.

"Speaking of flowercrowns.....why don't we go to the flower field again?" Jyushimatsu requested, the six of you nodded before leaving the school to the flower field.
Once the seven of you reached the flower field, it was a much better view than before. The sextuplets started running towards the middle of the flowerfield and twirling around and laying down on the flower beds. You chuckle at them before just slowly walking towards them with a smile, you see Todomatsu just standing and taking in the view. You decided to tease him a little bit.
"Hey Totty!" You called out to him, he turns around with a confused face but is still smiling.
"Heh, still calling me by that nickname?" He chuckles at you.
"Yep, I like calling you 'Totty'" You smile at him, he starts to kiss your forehead.
"Me too, I love you (Y/N) kun..." He slightly whispers.
"I love you more ♡" You chuckle before resting your head on his chest. Then, when he least expected it, you grab onto both of his hands and threw him to the flower bed.
"(Y/N) KUN! Why did you do that?!" He yells at you all angrily.
"Woop! Its not done yet!" You warned him before falling next to him.
"Hehehehehehe" the both of you laugh. Then you hear Jyushimatsu's faint voice calling from the distance.

You and everyone else turn around to see Jyushimatsu standing next to the big tree where you tried to climb once. You got excited and started running towards there.

"Oh my gosh, I remember trying to climb this tree while waiting for you guys to be done making these flower crowns...." You say as you point to your flower crown.
"Hmmm, does any of you have anything sharp?" Choromatsu asked, the others looked at him with a shocked face.

"Actually....." He saw a rather sharp and small rock somewhere beside the tree and picked it up.
"Choro be careful, you could cut yourself!" Osomatsu said, getting worried.
"Don't worry I won't, also.....what do you guys think about carving our names on the tree?" Choromatsu asked as he grins while looking up on the beautiful tree.
Your eyes lit up along with your smile.
"I like that idea!"

Next thing you knew, the sextuplets were taking turns on carving up their name on the tree. It was rather hard but they manage. Last but not least, its your turn. You grab the rock from Ichimatsu and start to carve your name.
Once you were done, the sextuplets admire the tree with their names going around its trunk. You smile to yourself before grabbing the trunk with both of your hands and start to climb it. The sextuplets look at you with the face of worry mixed with surprise.
You look down to them to see that your already pretty high up.
"You should climb up this tree with me!" You gesture your hand, signaling them to follow you.

When the seven of you made it to a branch, you started pretending to become a pirate and that you were on your pirate ship.
"Aarrggh matey! Me be on my pirate ship!" You wave your arm around like a pirate.
"(Y/N) lassy, bring me the booty!" Jyushimatsu said, as he was sitting on the branch beside you.
"We should find the x marks the spot!" You say as you broke a twig that was attached to the branch and waved it like your own sword.

"Captain! Waves ahead!" Osomatsu points to a direction where there happens to be an imaginary wave thats about to hit your imaginary boat.
"Everyone get below deck!" Karamatsu yells as you and the sextuplets playfully dodge the imaginary wave.

Hi guysss sorry this chapter was bad. I was really busy on other stuff, I promise that the next one will be better!

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