14.) lets get this bread :D

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the boys arrived back from seoul and they were devastatingly exhausted. understandable i mean, it was like, what? a 13 hour time difference or something? i don't know but all i knew was i needed to get things done and they were sleeping. and i wasn't just gonna wAke tHemM uP.
well i mean.
maybe i can.
update: no i can not. not a korean song at least.
im gonna call alana. ill see if she wants to do something.
"im boooorreed~"
"wanna do something?"
"unless you wanna come to the studio and learn a new choreography with me you're shit outta luck."
"ill be there in 15."
with that, i hung up the phone and scribbled down a note for the boys to see if they were to wake up.

i went with alana to the studio. i just went grocery shopping so go ahead and make something if you're hungry. just tell jin to try not to burn down my house. ill be home soon. love you all.
- kelsie

i changed into some more breathable clothes and got in my car.
when i arrived home 4 hours later i was extremely tired and in desperate need of a shower. i rushed right up to my bathroom. totally ignoring that all seven boys were wide awake, eating food in my living room.
i got out of my 80,000 degree shower and changed into some black nike shorts, a pick cropped sweatshirt and come high black nike socks. i put my hair in a low braid, pulled a few pieces out in the front and put on some silver circle glasses.
i walked out in the living room, more like trudged. i was tired and ready for a nap. but when i walked in the living room i was not greeted with only seven faces, but with seven faces with christmas presents.
"hey kelsie!" taehyungs voice beamed. "we missed you! open my present first!" he handed a white medium sized box to me.
i opened all of their presents one by one, falling in love with all of them one by one.
taehyung got me a korean pop figure from my favorite anime yuri on ice.
jin got me new pots and pans because he claims "i need them".
jimin got me a really cute bt21 necklace with all their charms.
namjoon got me a korean tapestry that im absolutely in love with.
hobi got me a record player with some really cute vinyls!!
yoongi got us gold friendship bracelets.
and jungkook got me a beautiful tiny silver ring with a pearl in the middle.
i hugged all of them and began to cry a little. i love them so much.
the rest of the day we watched movies, ate food, and slept.
i love them.

80 worlds apart. | j. jungkook {completed}Where stories live. Discover now