21.) sick

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i was so hungry, id fallen into my old habits again.
i had gained a few pounds, i was upset.
so i hadn't eaten all day.
i felt like i was going to pass out.
my head was pounding, i couldn't breathe out of my nose and i was extremely nauseous. but we had choreography today and i was not about to fuck that up so i decided not to tell the boys.
i hopped in the shower, getting into a change of black adidas shorts and a pink, oversized, finger heart sweatshirt.
as i brushed my teeth, the whole room began to spin.
"oh ouch." i gripped my head, sitting on the floor of my bathroom. i regained my breath and waited for the room to stop moving.
rinsing off my toothbrush and putting it back, i drew on my eyebrows and put on mascara, that's all i really needed anyway.
"good morning kelsie!" i was greeted by namjoon. "want something to eat before we go?"
the feeling of nausea pondered in my stomach, begging me to say no or there would be consequences.
"no thanks! im good." namjoon shot me a worried look. "no really im fine."
about one hour into choreography i couldn't take it anymore. "excuse me." i said very quietly, excusing my self from the room.
"you okay?" joon called out to me.
i sat on the studio bathroom floor, the world was spinning once again. my head felt like it was going to pop and my stomach was killing me.
a subtle knock came from the door.
"kels, you okay?" taehyung asked me through the door.
"just one second."
as soon as i heard him leave i began to throw up into the toilet beside me. i don't know what is wrong i just don't feel good.
i flushed it and encouraged myself to get up.
im fine.
i stood up very wobbly, looking in the bathroom mirror. i was a lighter shade, my cheeks were flushed and my eyes watery.
sooo not obvious at all.
walking out of the bathroom, i made my way back into the studio.
"are you sure you're okay?"
my head was throbbing.
im fine. im fine. don't be a burden. you're fine.
i moved with the steps, doing the choreography perfectly until yoongi made the wrong step and we head butted.
"ow." i held my hand up to my head, it was furiously pounding like it wanted to escape.
everyone stopped at this point.
"im sorry kels, you okay?"
i didn't reply. i squeezed my eyes tightly as i was looking down at the floor, cradling my temples in my hands. i took one deep breath in and managed to shake my head up and down.
after practice i just closed my eyes in the back of my car on the way home. making our way in the house, i practically collapsed on my couch. it was about 10 pm.
"now i know you don't feel good, after dancing you're always hungry. we're about to make food, what's wrong?"
"just a headache, no big deal."
"tell me the truth."
"fine, my head is pounding and my stomach is churning. it's been like this all day."
"why didn't you tell us?"
"because id be a bother."
"jagiya, you'll never be a bother. now tell me, when's the last time you ate."
"my birthday."
"kelsie that was two days ago! im telling jimin, and im getting you some food."
"yess~" he mocked me, getting up from the couch. "cmon, beautiful, let's go get you changed."
i forced my eyes open, cocking an eyebrow at him.
"i-.. i uh-."
"oh hush, i know what you meant. it's just cute to see you flustered." he giggled, picking me up and taking me too my room.
i changed and got a shower. i was shaking, my blood pressure was dropping.
when i managed to get down the stairs, the boys were eating dinner that jin made. it looked really good.
i sat down beside jungkook, stirring my food around my plate. i didn't eat a single bite. i didn't want to.
i couldn't.
jungkook put a hand on my knee.
"you are beautiful. please eat." he leaned over and whispered to me.
i picked up my chopsticks and ate a bite of my dumpling.
he smiled excitedly, showing off his bunny smile.
a lil soft chapter for my jelsie ship 🥺

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